【口语小词】Day 59--100小词走天下

【口语小词】Day 59--100小词走天下



● If you want to make a small space look bigger, a mirror will do the trick. 如果你想让很小的地方显得大一些, 装面镜子就行了

● I want you to come clean with me about your affair

● I know you're mad at me now, but I only want what's best for you. 我知道你现在生我的气,可我都是为你好

● I don't want to look too eager/desperate. 我不想显得那么迫不及待。

● What do you want for dinner?


● You have to give me time to think about it. 你得给我点时间考虑一下。

● have a heart 是有点同情心,发发善心的意思

● Focus on the things you have, not on the things you don't have. 多关注你拥有的东西,而不是你没有的东西。

● I cannot deal with it now. I have bigger fish to fry. 我现在管不了这个,还有更重要的事情等着我去做呢。

● You should have finished the paper by now. Why are you dragging your feet? 你本来现在就应该写完论文了,你怎么一直拖拖拉拉?

● You have a crush on her? What do you see in her? 你喜欢她?你看上他什么了

● He has a weight problem. 他体重超重。He has a drinking problem. 他酗酒。He has an anger problem. 他动不动就发火。He has a gambling problem. 他喜欢赌钱。He has a spending problem. 他太会花钱。


● We need to wrap it up by tomorrow. 我们明天得把这事结束。

● There is no need to apologize. 没必要道歉。

● Love doesn't need a reason. 爱不需要理由。I need my beauty sleep. 我得去睡我的美容觉。/I just need some space. 我就是需要点空间。/I need a moment, 让我自己待会


● Jack was a nerd back in high school. Who would have thought he could become a boxer. 杰克以前高中就是个书呆子,谁能想到他会变成一个拳击手。

● I've been to LA so many times, it has become a home away from home for me. 我到洛山矶很多次, 感觉那里就是我第二个家。


● I can't believe you made it. 我不敢相信你成功了。I can't believe I got that question wrong. I'm so stupid. 我不敢相信我那个问题都弄错了,我好傻啊。

● You have to see it to believe it. 眼见为实哦。

● Don't believe him. 别相信他

  • 老刘_exe
