红楼梦 序言

红楼梦 序言

Having made an utter failure of my life, I found myself one day, in the midst of my poverty and wretchedness, thinking about the female companions of my youth. As I went over them one by one, examining and comparing them in my mind’s eye, it suddenly came over me that those girls — which is all they were then — were in every way, both morally and intellectually, superior to the “grave and mustachioed signior” I am now supposed to have become. The realization brought with it an over-powering sense of shame and remorse, and for a while I was plunged in the deepest despair. There and then I resolved to make a record of all the recollections of those days I could muster — those golden days when I dressed in silk and ate delicately, when we still nestled in the protecting shadow of the Ancestors and Heaven still smiled on us. I resolved to tell the world how, in defiance of all my family’s attempts to bring me up properly and all the warnings and advice of my friends, I had brought myself to this present wretched state, in which, having frittered away half a lifetime, I find myself without a single skill with which I could earn a decent living. I resolved that, however unsightly my own shortcomings might be, I must not, for the sake of keeping them hid, allow those wonderful girls pass into oblivion without a memorial.
    Reminders of my poverty were all about me: the thatched roof, the wicker lattice, the string beds, the crockery stove. But these did not need to be an impediment to the workings of the imagination. Indeed, the beauties of nature outside my door — the morning breeze, the evening dew, the flowers and trees of my garden — were a positive encouragement to write. I might lack learning and literary aptitude, but what was to prevent me from turning it all into a story and writing it in the vernacular? In this way the memorial to my beloved girls could at one and the same time serve as a source of harmless entertainment and as a warning to those who were in the same predicament as myself but who were still in need of  awakening.

  • 依鸿_th


    木琪儿_Kid 回复 @依鸿_th: 是啊是啊

  • 芙蕖_木芙蓉


  • 芙蕖_木芙蓉


  • 武城清泉


  • 桜咲_jv


  • 桜咲_jv


    武城清泉 回复 @桜咲_jv: 是霍克思翻译的

  • 表演辣鸡一只


    水木旗风 回复 @表演辣鸡一只: 哈,一般啦

  • 芙蕖_木芙蓉


  • 芙蕖_木芙蓉


  • 笨笨_jee
