【试听07】维尼双语·A Portrait of Friendship




A Portrait of Friendship

Piglet likes painting. He paints everything in the Hundred-Acre Wood. He paints the tall, leafy trees. And the bright, yellow sun. And flowers of every size and color.

One day, Piglet decides to paint something different. He wants to paint his friends!

Everyone feels very happy.

The next day, Piglet begins to paint with Pooh.

“Pooh, Come and sit! I will paint your portrait.”

“Oh, is that now?” Pooh asks. “I’m going to fill up my honeypot—and fill up my tummy. But since I’ve made a promise, you can paint my picture now.

“I’m sure my tummy can wait,” although he is not sure.

“Now sit still, Pooh, don’t move.”

Pooh sits still, but his tummy does not. It rumbles to the left, and it rumbles to the right.

Finally, Pooh’s tummy rumbles too much. Pooh stands up.

“Sorry, Piglet, but I’m too hungry,” says Pooh. He picks up his honeypot and begins to eat honey.

Next, Piglet tries painting Rabbit. He gives Rabbit some carrots to hold.

“The carrots remind me of my garden,” says Rabbit, jumping up. “I have to work on my garden. Sorry, Piglet, we can finish the painting next time.” Rabbit runs away.

When Piglet is painting Tigger, Tigger can’t stop bouncing. “Sorry, Piglet, but I like bouncing! I can’t stop!” Tigger cries.

Piglet waits for Tigger to stop bouncing.
Then Kanga and Roo arrives. But Tigger is so excited to see Roo, he hugs little Roo, and they bounce off into the Wood.

When Piglet starts painting Eeyore, it’s all good. Eeyore sits still, for a very long time.

“Eeyore, I only finished your portrait. ” says Piglet.

“That’s too bad,” says Eeyore.

“Everyone has too much to do,” says Piglet.

“I’m just doing what I always do——stay still. Not much.” says Eeyore.

Piglet thinks for a moment. “That’s it!” he cries. “I need to paint my friends when they do what they like.”

Piglet goes to find Pooh. He paints Pooh when he is following a bee.

Then he paints bees following Pooh.

And Pooh eating honey.

Then Piglet paints Rabbit working in the garden.

As for Tigger, it’s hard. Because Tigger is bouncing, and bouncing, and bouncing. All the time! But finally, Piglet did it.

Piglet is very happy. He can’t wait to show his paintings.

His friends walk around, and look at all the paintings. They don’t say a word. Piglet begins to worry.

Do they not like his paintings?

Finally, Pooh clears his throat, he says. “Your paintings are wonderful. They’re so good. We all like your paintings.” Then he says, “I’m sorry, Piglet.”

“Why, Pooh?”

“For I didn’t sit still when you were painting. I ran away to eat honey.” says Pooh.

Piglet says, “It’s not right to ask you to sit still. You all like to move, rather than sit.” He looks at Eeyore. “Except Eeyore.”

Piglet continues, “Everyone is good at different things. My paintings show you doing the things you love. I’m very lucky. I have so many good friends!”

  • 蝶恋花生米


    听友104136027 回复 @蝶恋花生米: 这种情况是这样的日子一天天长大成人之后我们都江堰峨眉山景区位于广东省深圳市福田区华强北手机里没有理由拒绝我在等他回家过年回家吃顿大餐、在这里你在这不就知道会这样说吗、是什么时候开始变成你说过一部剧院演出结束时痛彻心扉的哭戏里扮演好想把所有

  • 安琪朵朵乔


    寻梦的夏虫_o9 回复 @安琪朵朵乔: 服务顾问方法不耐烦那他呢套娃哪哈给那

  • 安琪朵朵乔


  • 彭滢儒


    爱心公主觉罗雪 回复 @彭滢儒: 安娜是公主

  • 羽翼之使

    听友104136027 回复 @羽翼之使: 一直二楼有了新一届锐动的厉害👍

  • 柠檬微黄


    听友104136027 回复 @柠檬微黄: 有的两大碗喝酒了、这些吧、这种事情真是让我们在这场戏的导演了个电话吧、这种难以言语中有许多不同程度受伤人员伤残鉴定委员会专家库专家学者以及与我联系群众路线图?我会努力让自己更好的👌

  • 彭滢儒


  • 吾家女


  • 沧海轻舟yy


  • 1355255xmcm

