Exercise 19

Exercise 19

Speech by Former U.S. President Carter at Welcoming Banquet 29 June 1987
美国前总统卡特 在欢迎宴会上的讲话 1987年6月29日
Permit me first to thank our Chinese hosts for your extraordinary arrangments and hospitality. My wife and I, as well as our entire party, are deeply grateful. In the short period of six days, we have gone a longer distance than the Long March. We have acquired a keen sense of the diversity, dynamism, and progress of China under your policies of reform and opening to the outside world. r> 首先,请允许我对中国主人十分出色的安排和款待表示感谢。我的夫人和我以及全体随行人员都深为感激。在过去短短六天里,我们所走的路程式长征的路程还长。我们强烈地感受到你们执行的改革和对外开放政策给中国带来的多样化、活力和进步。
More than eight years have passed since Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping and I joined hands to establish full diplomatic relations between our two great nations. Our hope and vision was to forge a Sino-American relationship which would contribute to world peace and the welfare of our two peoples. I personally looked upon the forging of firm Sino-American ties as a historically significant experiment.
We faced the question in 1978, as to some extent we still do today: Can two nations as different as ours—yours one of the oldest civilizations on earth, mine one of the youngest; yours a socialist state and mine committed to capitalism; yours a developing contry and mine a developed one—can two nations surmount and indeed draw upon these differences to build an unprecedented and distinctive relationship in world affairs? If we are successful, in one great step our two nations will have been able to ease one of the greatst sources of tension in tnternational affairs: that between the developing and developed worlds. We still have a long way to go, and it is still too early to conclude that our experiment will culminate in success, but certainly the results of the first ten years are promising. Sino-American ties have become extensive, affecting all aspects of our national lives: commerce, culture, education, scientific exchange, and our separate national security policies.
I am most proud of the large number of Chinese students being educated in our country --- now about 18,000. I teach some of them and see the benefits that come from this exchange. At the same time we are learning valuable lessons from you. Nonetheless, problems remain in our economic, educational and strategic relations.
我感到十分自豪的是大量的中国学生——现在大约有 18,000人——正在美国学习。我也教过他们中的一些人,并看到了这种交流所带来的益处。同时我们也从你们那里学到非常宝贵的经验。尽管如此,在我们的经济、教育和战略关系中依然存在着问题。
As a private American citizen I recognize that many of the burdens and opportunities of our relationship have now passed to the non-governmental sector
