



On Thursday, our family went to a friend’s house for a dinner party. We ate turkey, because that’s a typical American Thanksgiving dish even though the Pilgrims most likely diHello, Ximalaya, This is Lindsay from New York. We updated this episode a little later than usual because last week was the Thanksgiving holiday. There was so much going on!

经常看美剧的知道,电视连续剧按季度播出,每一个season又有若干个episodes组成,episode就是一集节目。Lindsay很抱歉我们节目本期Episode更新比以前晚,因为上周是Thanksgiving, 感恩节,这是美国人独有的节日,度假去了很忙。Lindsay, what does Thanksgiving celebrate?

L: The Pilgrims came to America in May Flower in September 1620. They would not have survived in America if the Native Americans had not helped them by teaching them how to plant food, fish, and build good homes. To celebrate their new friendship, they had a feast mainly consisting of seafood and crops. Now, Thanksgiving is a well-known holiday when families and friends get together to eat large feasts that have way more food than the Pilgrims and Natives did.

感恩节是感谢印第安人对最早到达新大陆的清教徒的帮助。是美国非常重要的节日。一定程度上比圣诞节更有气氛,很多家庭会选择圣诞节外出旅行,但是感恩节是一定要大家庭在一起聚餐的。How many school days are off?

L: Only Two days, last Thursday and Friday. Every third thursday of November is Thanksgiving Day, and the following Friday is Black Friday, the busiest shopping day of the whole year, because everything is on sale!

What did you do?

L: On Thursday, our family went to a friend’s house for a dinner party. We ate turkey, because that’s a typical American Thanksgiving dish even though the Pilgrims most likely did not have turkey at their original feast. On Black Friday, our family went to the mall for shopping. It was so crowded, it took a long time finding a parking spot. My mom said that every shop had sales with a big discount, and we had to buy things quickly because the deals only lasted for that day.

每年11月份的第三个周四是感恩节,传统上要吃火鸡Turkey。之后的周五叫黑色星期五,是一年里最为繁忙的购物日,从此揭开直到圣诞节的holiday season。Mall一般是一片小楼,很多各种商家商店入住。还有一种叫Shopping Plaza,一般Plaza是一片小广场,平房为主,临着街道。Sales就是打折促销的意思了。Deal就是划算的好买卖。

On Saturday our family went to Manhattan to see an exhibition at the New York Historical Society. It was called “A History of Magic” and it was about the Harry Potter novels, providing some insight into J.K. Rowling, who is the author of Harry Potter, and her manuscripts. There was also background information for each class Harry took in the books, such as Care of Magical Creatures, Astronomy, and Transfiguration. Artwork representing the Harry Potter universe was also displayed. All in all, the exhibit was so amazing and magical, and extremely interesting!

魔法世界是大人孩子都喜欢的。以后我们有机会在隔壁的节目奇想英文书世界里仔细分享这个展览,也讲一下JK Rowling的系列作品Harry Potter,和现在的电影Fantastic Beasts。

And then came Sunday. We went to see the movie Fantastic Beasts 2, which is called the Crimes of Grindelwald. I went with my friends and parents while my sister went with her own friends. Altogether, there were seven girls. I really love watching movies in the theater because the screen is so big and the sound quality is better. And at this particular movie theater, I can almost sleep in the reclining chairs in the theater, and I got to have popcorn and soda to enjoy during the movie! Crimes of Grindelwald is an amazing movie with a really fast plot that I couldn’t quite follow, and the characters were a little different from the first.

朋友们一起进影院看电影是非常愉快的,椅子可以躺倒,还有爆米花和苏打饮料,电影世界又是那么神秘奇幻. By the way, did you have any homework from school during the break?

Not really. Except I had to follow a recipe to make crepes, which are like French pancakes, for my french class.

