

When women ask, " do I look fat?"
Translation: I'm feeling fat and unattractive, so tell me I look great, that I&`&m beautiful and you have eyes for no other woman.

Time flies! (How time flies,口语时候比较随便,可以省略how)
Do I look fat?
I&`&m on diet.

I really wanna eat.
I want chips.
I want ice-cream.


Oh babe you are perfect. You don&`&t need diet.
Both of us are not skinny.

(其实下面这句直译会是“在一堆尝试减肥的女孩中,总有一个吃的好像没有明天一样却总也不胖的瘦女孩。”但是翻译一般需要意会和有神韵。如果这里换成了surrounded by a bunch of fat girls,就会不好听了。因为这里的fat会很贬义。而这句调侃的中文显然是没有的。语境,不管在英文或是中文中都是非常重要的。所以真心强烈建议学习英语的同学不要死背单词,每天死背的单词,如果没有阅读的支持,他们永远只是一个词。阅读才是一切的基础。选择适合自己程度的阅读,你的单词才会像长了翅膀一样在你需要的时候就会立即出现在你的脑子里。)

Surrounded by a bunch of girls trying to lose weight, there&`&s always a boney girl (that) eating like there is no tomorrow but without put on any weight.

Surrounded by a bunch of people trying to lose weight, there&`&s always a boney person(that) eating like there is no tomorrow but without put on any weight.

Surrounded by a bunch of guys trying to lose weight, there&`&s always a boney guy (that) eating like there is no tomorrow but without put on any weight.

bone 骨头--变形之后就是骨瘦如柴 boney,可以换skinny
eating like there is no tomorrow 可换成 eat lots, eat a lot

How can I solve it? solve解决(问题)

I don&`&t wanna eat.
I&`&ve already had dinner.
Do I look fat?

You&`&re fine.
You&`&re not fat, and you&`&re really attractive.
You look great!
You&`&re perfect.
You don&`&t look fat at all!


You&`&re beautiful.
You&`&re gorgeous!

You&`&re fine.
You&`&re not fat, and you&`&re really attractive.
You look great!
You&`&re perfect.
You don&`&t look fat at all!

solve the problem

It&`&s actually a psychological problem.
The problem has been solved.
So now, it doesn&`&t matter what I eat, I feel guiltless.
guilt + less = guiltless
Now I can enjoy whatever food I want without guilt.
Now I can enjoy any food I want guiltlessly.

I feel guilty about something.
I feel guilty (because) I ate too much.
I stole her boyfriend, so I feel so guilty.


Have a good weekend.

微信:EnchantedK 备注: ES

征集有英语基础的宝宝 爱秀英文,或者喜爱英文,再或者,爱我也行,的宝宝给我用英文来录一首诗!2号前能录制好的宝宝,我会做在电台节目里面并投稿童声诗歌评选大赛,因为个活动没说具体年龄,所以尽量12岁或以下吧。

英语诗像小星星和宝贝拜拜都可以的,(诗词和录音可以找我要)如果来不及投稿,也没有关系!!因为我会专门出一个专辑并将宝宝的录音做在今后的广播节目中。具体问题请私信我!(微信Enchantedk 备注ES宝贝)

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