03 话题 | 我的自拍

03 话题 | 我的自拍




各位朋友们大家好,欢迎来到《走遍美国》!前面两节课我们聊到了“自拍”和“社交媒体”相关的词汇。今天的课我们有两个环节。第一个环节,作为对于前两节课所学语言的回顾,我们一起来聊一个话题:My Favorite Photo,我最喜欢的一张照片。之后的第二个环节里面,我们会一起聊聊“像”。

现在进入第一个环节:My Favorite Photo.说到自己最爱的那张照片,朋友们你们脑中浮现出的是哪一幅图片呢?照片里是跟家人、朋友在一起的温馨画面,还是以名山大川为背景的旅游留念?杨芮老师碰巧去过纽约港New York Harbour,在那边留下过一张自拍,背景是the statue of liberty,像,the statue of liberty。我现在就跟大家说说这张照片,大家仔细听,我会用上前两节课教过大家的一些表达,也会有一些没有讲过的表达要补充。


My favorite photo is a selfie, I took that selfie in New York Harbour. I had heard much about the Statue of Liberty, and had been expecting to see it. So when I finally saw that statue from New York Harbour, I was really exited! I took out my Selfie stick, and pressed the shutter !

相机的“快门”是shutter,s-h-u-t-t-e-r,shutter。按下快门,我们用p-r-e-s-s,press这个词:press the shutter。我在纽约港远远看到“像”特别激动,于是就拿出selfie stick自拍杆,按下了快门。

接着,说说照片里有些什么:In that photo, I was showing a victory sign and the Statue of Liberty�was right at my back. It happened that a bird was flying over my head when I pressed the shutter, and that bird was in my photo as well.

我在照片里面比划着剪刀手,背景就是像。victory sign,就是“剪刀手”。Victory,v-i-c-t-o-r-y,是“胜利”的意思。发明“剪刀手”的是前英国首相丘吉尔,他一开始做这个姿势就是想表达“胜利”的意思,所以“剪刀手”在英文里面被称为victory sign.

注意一下我刚才描述照片时用到的时态,I was showing a victory sign in that photo. was 加上动词show的-ing形式,这是什么时态?对了,这是“过去进行时”。“过去进行时”通常用来表示过去的某一个时刻正在做的事情,用这个时态来描述照片中的动作再合适不过了。因为我们描述照片,可不就是描述按下快门的那一刻正在发生的事情吗。所以后面那句话我用的也是过去进行时:a bird was flying over my head when I pressed the shutter. 在我按下快门的那一刻,碰巧有只鸟飞过。

刚才我们描述了照片里面的情境:我比划了个“剪刀手”,背景里有一只碰巧飞过的鸟和更远处的像。拍下这张自拍后,我立刻就发到微信朋友圈了。After taking that selfie, I immediately posted it to my Wechat. Many of my friends gave their “likes” to that photo. They could tell where I was because they saw that famous statue at my back.

我们在之前的课上讲过,在网上发图片,用post这个动词,post a photo;点赞,英文是give likes。我的朋友们看到我的自拍都给我点赞,他们还都猜到了我当时在哪里,因为“像”实在是太有名啦!表示“猜到我在哪里”,我刚才用了动词tell。这个词除了有“告诉”的意思,还有“辨别,辨认”的意思。My friends could tell where I was.


My favorite photo is a selfie, I took that selfie in New York Harbour. I had heard much about the Statue of Liberty, and had been expecting to see it. So when I finally saw that statue from New York Harbour, I was really exited! I took out my Selfie stick, and pressed the shutter!

In that photo, I was showing a victory sign and the Statue of Liberty was right at my back. It happened that a bird was flying over my head when I pressed the shutter, and that bird was in my photo as well.

After taking that selfie, I immediately posted it to my Wechat. Many of my friends gave their “likes” to that photo. They could tell where I was because they saw that famous statue at my back.


聊完了My favorite photo,让我们进入今天的第二个环节,一起来了解一点背景知识。刚才的日记里面,我自拍的背景是The Statue of Liberty,就是著名的“像”。statue 是“雕像”,liberty的意思是“自由”。The statue of liberty位于纽约曼哈顿外海的岛上,游客想去岛上参观的话需要在纽约港搭乘渡船。


虽然 the statue of liberty 是美国的象征,但它其实是法国人的作品。一百三十多年前,法国雕塑家历时十年完成这尊雕像,作为礼物送给美国。直到现在呀,像一直都是到纽约的游客一定会打卡报到的景点。大家去纽约旅行的时候也不要忘了和我一样,跟合个影哦!


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