


Britain under the Microscope – Guy Fawkes’ Night


·     “Remember, Remember the Fifth of November, Gunpowder, treason and plot. I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason, should ever be forgot.”

·     5thNovember is Bonfire Night in the UK

o  British people set off fireworks and light bonfires to commemorate the Gunpowder Plot of 1605

·     The Gunpowder Plot

o  There was an ongoing conflict between Catholics and Protestants (the new King James I was Protestant)

o  Guy Fawkes and other Catholic noblemen plotted to blow up the Houses of Parliament to kill the King, his family and the entire English government.

o  Guy Fawkes was discovered by soldiers in the cellars of the Houses of Parliament with barrels of gunpowder.

o  Guy Fawkes was arrested and tortured.

o  He was executed in front of a large audience for being a traitor.

o  After he was executed, people celebrated by lighting large bonfires.

·     Now, there are big firework displays in the UK in parks or people set off fireworks in their gardens.

·     Children used to make a figure of Guy Fawkes dressed in old clothes and go around the streets collecting money – “A penny for the Guy”

o  The money is used to buy fireworks

o  The figures are burnt on a bonfire.

·     Expressions about explosions and gunpowder

o  To drop a bombshell

o  To blow up in your face

o  Loose cannon

  • 构思0830

    This talk reminded me of another thing. There used to be an interesting charity event in November. It was called “Movember” if I remember it correctly. I am not sure if people still do it nowadays. Could Lulu and Anlan please give a talk about it if that’s okay? Thanks!

    英语主播璐璐 回复 @构思0830: haha, we actually mentioned it in the “charity” episode of 闲话英伦!Anlan even took part in it once

  • Ranhere


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @Ranhere: 嗯嗯,本来这个电影就是以Guy Fawkes作为灵感的呢

  • 风雨无阻_66q

    Children used to make a figure of Guy Fawkes dressed in old clothes and go around the streets collecting money – “A penny for the Guy” o The money is used to buy fireworks o The figures are burnt on a bonfire.

    英语主播璐璐 回复 @风雨无阻_66q:

  • 一个人的小鹿

    谢谢 lulu 和 anlan,每次听都是惊喜

    英语主播璐璐 回复 @一个人的小鹿: 酒馆会不断给你惊喜哦˜

  • 1509252wpqn


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @1509252wpqn: 谢谢支持!

  • 吴蛮好

    感谢有这么好的节目存在 谢谢你们☺

    英语主播璐璐 回复 @吴蛮好: 感谢酒馆有这样好的客人呢

  • 骨朵朵_k2


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @骨朵朵_k2: 谢谢你一直的支持呢!

  • 构思0830

    Many thanks to Lulu and Anlan for another educational and enjoyable talk!

    英语主播璐璐 回复 @构思0830: Thank YOU for your support!

  • 瑟菲_ml


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @瑟菲_ml: 嗯嗯,酒馆会定期更新的呢,欢迎常来坐坐

  • 拇指小丽Q
