Lesson 6

Lesson 6

BeiHai Park

BeiHai Park, covering an area of 68.2 hectares, was the imperial garden in Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. The center of the park is Qiong Island, which is

1,913 meters in circumstance and 32.8 meters high.It was constructed in 1179 (in the Jin Dynasty) with the earth from that came from the digging of the lake. The 35.9 meters high White Dagoba on the island was build in 1651.

There is a stone tableterected in 1751in the northeast of Qiong Island, with “Qiong Dao Chun Yin” (Spring Shade on the Qiong Island) on it.This area, noted for itsbeautiful surrounding, was counted as one of the eight outstanding views of Beijing. There is a “Wu Long Ting” (Pavilion of five Dragons) on the north shore of the lake, built in 1602,where the emperors used to fish and watch fireworks. The “Jiu Long Bi” (Screen of nine Dragons) was built in 1756. It was made of colorful glazed tiles, with nine lively dragons on each side It has proved the creativiness of working people in China. The “Tie Ying Bi” (Screen of Iron Shade) is a relic of the Yuan dynasty.
