Prince Harry and Meghan kicked off their shoes and went barefoot on Bondi Beach, as they continued their tour of Australia and New Zealand.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex met surfing community group OneWave, as they took part in "Fluro Friday".
That meant there was a lot of neon and colourful garlands to be seen at the session, which encourages the discussion of mental health issues.
kick off /kɪk/: 踢掉;开始;开球
barefoot /ˈbeəfʊt, ˈberfʊt/: adj./adv. 光脚
Commonwealth /ˈkɒmənwelθ, ˈkɑːmənwelθ/: n. 英联邦
figurehead /ˈfɪɡəhed, ˈfɪɡərhed/: n. (有名无实的) 领导人
duchess /ˈdʌtʃɪs/: n. 公爵夫人
surfing /ˈsɜːfɪŋ, ˈsɜːrfɪŋ/: n. 冲浪
neon /ˈniːɒn, ˈniːɑːn/: n. 霓虹;荧光
garland /ˈɡɑːlənd, ˈɡɑːrlənd/: n. 花环
session /ˈseʃən/: n. 活动 (的一段时间)
1. 每个意群示范7遍
2. 在每次语音示范后,会留出足够的空白时间供各位进行跟读和练习。
1. 小伙伴们需要先掌握生词的发音方式和规律(练习耗时,因人而异)
2. 再通过先单词后意群的方式跟随暴虐版进行练习
3. 通过反复的朗读,让口腔肌肉熟悉且记住意群的流利和滑动感,不断提升自己语音语调,连读技巧,意群的把握。