Wings of Fire Series 1-8 - 火翼飞龙Tui.T.Sutherland
Product Details
Age Range: 8 - 12 years
Grade Level: 3 - 7
Series: Wings of Fire
Publisher: Scholastic Paperbacks
图伊·萨瑟兰(Tui T.Sutherland),当今世界最畅销童书作家之一,被誉为可媲美J.K.罗琳的奇幻文学女作家。作品包括“猫武士”系列、“灵兽”系列、“火翼飞龙”系列等。
Wings of Fire series
Wings of Fire 1: The Dragonet Prophecy (July 1, 2012))
Wings of Fire 2: The Lost Heir (January 1, 2013)
Wings of Fire 3: The Hidden Kingdom (May 28, 2013)
Wings of Fire 4: The Dark Secret (October 29, 2013)
Wings of Fire 5: The Brightest Night (March 25, 2014)
Wings of Fire 6: Moon Rising (December 30, 2014)
Wings of Fire 7: Winter Turning (June 30, 2015)
Wings of Fire 8: Escaping Peril (December 29, 2015)
Wings of Fire 9: Talons of Power (December 27, 2016)
Wings of Fire 10: Darkness of Dragons (June 27, 2017)
Austin哈哈哈 回复 @EntityCommand404: cool 好
me too
ssSTORYSHIFTchara 回复 @ssSTORYSHIFTchara: 火翼飞龙》系列是首部以龙为主角进行创作的奇幻儿童文学作品,将奇幻故事与人性思辨完美架构,将龙族生活与文学想象巧妙融合,编织成一部集梦想、勇气、冒险与成长于一体的传奇小说。来自不同部族的幼龙肩负沉重、迷离的使命,经受心灵的冒险与意志的考验,在天性的枷锁与自由的束缚中冲撞挣扎,在绝望中砥砺勇气,在探索中慢慢长大……
wings of fire set 1 the dragonnet prophecy the lost heir the hidden kingdom the dark secret the brightest night set two moon rising winter turning escaping peril talons of power darkness of dragons set 3 the lost continent the hive queen poison jungle the dangerous gift the fire of hope(soon)
Austin哈哈哈 回复 @雪花冰子: ……
Na really time you’re a tre game of football games fun game zombie madness how right does a tree get your best friends
I think Sutherland got “no trees” from the “Lorax.
It's so good!
Hermione的小猪猪 回复 @乐乐学中文: 你真是有问题
1: The Dragonet prophecy 2: The Lost Heir 3: The Hidden Kingdom 4: The Dark Secret 5: The Brightest Night 6: Moon Rising 7: Winter Turning 8: Escaping Peril 9: Talons of Power 10: Darkness of Dragons
HydroSlime 回复 @ssSTORYSHIFTchara: 11: The Lost Continent 12: The Hive Queen 13: The Poison Jungle