


President's rage over nuts

Sri Lanka's national airline said Wednesday it has stopped serving cashews after the country's president flew into a rage over nuts served to him on a flight to Colombo. 

"Returning from Kathmandu, I was served some cashews on board a SriLankan flight, but it was so bad even a dog wouldn't eat it," Maithripala Sirisena said on Monday. "I want to know who authorized the purchase of these nuts," the president told a meeting of farmers.

An airline spokesman said it has responded by clearing its stock of cashews - only served in business class - and would change its Dubai-based supplier. 

This is not the first time that airline nuts have prompted outrage. In 2014 a South Korean heiress famously ordered a Korean Air plane back to its gate to eject a cabin crew member after she was served nuts still in their packet.

Japan makes clear beer

Japanese beverage makers are increasingly producing products that look like water but taste like other drinks, betting that consumers want the taste of Coke or beer in a healthier-looking clear liquid. "The need for drinks that people can enjoy without any hesitation is one of the reasons behind growing demand for clear-color beverages in Japan," said Ryo Otsu, a creator of a clear nonalcoholic beer that Suntory Holdings began selling in June. 

To make it, Suntory drained the color from its nonalcoholic beer, added lime flavoring and increased the carbonation. Suntory hoped the amber-colored nonalcoholic beer would catch on with office workers, who could drink it at their desks and in meetings. Last year, Suntory started selling a clear beverage that taste like tea with milk. The drink, made with real tea leaves, sold well.

Hoarding a mental disorder

Is your wardrobe this crammed and you feel compelled to hang onto just about anything you'd ever bought? If so, it could be a sign you've got a new medical disorder. Hoarding is a recognized medical disorder - previously classed as a type of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), where people repeat certain behaviors or thoughts.  

But last month hoarding was recognized as a psychiatric disorder in its own right by the World Health Organization. "Hoarders fear making the wrong decision about what to keep and what to throw out, so they keep everything," says Dr Stuart Whomsley, an NHS clinical psychologist. "It is a psychological condition and not a lifestyle choice," he added. 

"It can be associated with other mental health conditions, such as depression and social anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, or OCD." Hoarders also may have perfectionist tendencies, be prone to procrastination and have problems planning and organizing.

Gender parity to boost GDP

Better promotion of gender equality in the workplace could result in China's GDP growing by $2.6 trillion in 2025, according to a report, which said research has shown that greater equality benefits both employer development and economic returns for all society. 

The growth could be achieved mainly by encouraging the greater participation of women in the labor force and encouraging sectors that employ large numbers of women to become more productive, according to the report by McKinsey & Co., a global management consultancy. The report found that women account for 51% of entry-level professionals in the Chinese workplace. 

However, the figure fell to 22% and 11% for middle and senior management roles, respectively. "Many economies, including China, are faced with challenges of aging and a shortage of labor and technical professionals. It is undoubtedly a waste of talent if the proportion of women is low in managerial levels," Jonathan Woetzel, director of McKinsey Global Institute said.

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  • lindajiale2004

    fly into a rage over sth.大发雷霆authorize the purchase of sth.批准购买某物promp outrage 引发怒火a obsessive compulsive disorder 一种强迫症manegerial levels 管理层entrylevel professionals基层职业

    听友132089686 回复 @lindajiale2004: 66

  • 小菜不是很菜


    1803445ovgm 回复 @小菜不是很菜: 可以调节语速

  • 1380308nyas


  • 毛毛07


    MDS逐梦 回复 @毛毛07: ,  

  • Jenny_0ks


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  • xuhao99


    kymm6ge2siozscpnj6cd 回复 @xuhao99: 对!!!

  • Ting0707


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