Don't allow yourself to be controlled by these five things.
Many people spend their life at the mercy of circumstances. Living at the mercy of what happens to them, Living at the mercy of other people, not living in the present because they're stuck in the prison of their past.
If you want to live a great life, don't allow yourself to be controlled by any of these things.
Number one: your past.
Number two: other people's opinions and judgments.
Number three: limited beliefs you project on yourself
Number four: relationships.
Number five: money
Number one: don't allow your past to control your present or your future life. Whatever happened you must let it go. Leave the pain of your past behind so it cannot ruin your future. Leave the darkness of your past behind so it cannot block the light of your bright future. Your past is gone, whatever happened, whether unjust, cruel, harsh, whatever the case, reliving the events will never do you any good. If someone did you wrong the only way you can win, is if you let go and move on.
If you live in hate, they win.
If you live in the victim story, they win.
If you want to win, you must focus on building your future and start right now.
Release that weight from your back so you can be free, don't allow events from the past which are now gone to ruin this moment, which is perfect. This moment which is now to enjoy, which is ready for you to live fully.
Number two: don't allow other people's opinions and judgments to control the direction of your life. The need to fit in and fell wanted can cause you to travel down paths you don't want to travel. People-pleasing is a curse that should be avoided at all costs. Before you do anything ask yourself, am i doing this because I want to do it? Or because of my fear of judgement from others if I don't.
You were born unique for a reason, you were born to stand out to be appreciated and loved for who you are, don't dim your light so you fit into the dull background of other people's lives. Shine bright as you are.
Those who really care for you will see that light and shine with you.
i think him voice is charming ,i love it
I hope It can have Chinese
Don't allow yourself to be controlled by these five things.
I know a lot from it.
love it,make people clear for their life
I can’t help to have Huang Bo’s face in my mind every time when I listen to this speech. Just can’t stop that. That voice is so damn like Huang’s.
Sookie89 回复 @奕凝的旅程: Not at all