埃塞俄比亚善良的撒马利亚人 An Ethiopian Good Samaritan

埃塞俄比亚善良的撒马利亚人 An Ethiopian Good Samaritan


Okay. I really, really love trains. So, I was determined to ride the new Chinese-built railroad from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to the port at Djibouti, which is another country in the horn of Africa. But, this is not a story about trains.


The route started out in the lush, green 150-kilometer long valley that runs from Addis to the city of Adama. Going south and east, and downhill, the land gets drier, becoming hard desert by the time you reach Djibouti twelve hours later. I had planned to sleep some on the train. But, I could not take my eyes off the Ethiopian landscape.


The ride was perfect, until we reached the Djibouti border.


It was already dark by the time we reached the station in the tiny town of Dewele, just inside Ethiopia, where a team of Djibouti immigration inspectors boarded the train. A very professional, English-speaking Djibouti officer — with the uniform and attitude of a French gendarme — looked into my cabin.


I handed him my passport and the electronic visa I had purchased before starting the trip.  


"E-visas are not valid on the train."


Me: "On the official website, www.evisa.gouv.dj, it says that it is good at airports and border crossings." Wisely, I had thought ahead and downloaded the relevant portion of the website to my phone.

我说:“官网www. evas.gouv.dJ上说电子签证适用于机场和边境口岸。”因此,我提前考虑到这一点,明智地在手机上下载了相关证明。

"Wait here."


Ten minutes later. 

Him: "Bring your luggage and follow me."


Earlier in the day, I had interviewed Salia Mohammed, a smart Ethiopian girl who worked as an attendant on the train, having recently graduated with an engineering degree from Adama University. I saw her crying as I was unceremoniously booted from the train.


I wanted to stay at the station and wait for the train going back the next day.  But, the Djibouti official made me put my luggage in his jeep and drove me to the Ethiopian post at the border, about 10 kilometers away. 

He ordered me to take my luggage out of the jeep. Then he drove away. 


Most of the Ethiopian customs officials were lying on the ground chewing khat, a local plant that is a fairly mild narcotic stimulant. I could see there was no car or jeep at the post. No cell service, no internet. They were very welcoming. Seeing I was standing up, looking around, wondering what to do, one said: "Be free, don't worry."


Trucks were going by every few minutes, but all were heading to finish their run in nearby Djibouti.


Where can I sleep? 


"Sleep here, don't worry."


They said they could call for a bajaji, an Ethiopian-made tuk-tuk that is ubiquitous in Ethiopia. About 30 minutes later, I asked whether they had called.


"No bajaji now. Tomorrow. Don't worry."


I decided to enjoy sleeping on the ground there, looking at the glorious stars and moon in the clear desert night.


The border guards said there was a plane to Djibouti from Dire Dawa, the logistics hub city of Ethiopia, 240 kilometers away, but they did not know the time. Maybe I could get home that way.


Two hours or so later, a truck — a double-wagon big rig — arrived going into Ethiopia. The driver spoke okay English and said he was heading toward Dire Dawa and that I could ride with him.  


I thought it would be a four-hour trip, or less.


The driver, Samuel Teklemariame, was playing beautiful African music as we drove through the night. He asked me if there was other music I wanted to hear. "I want you to feel safe."


"No, I'm very happy. Don't worry." I wish I remembered the names of the musicians.


About five hours later, at 3:00 am, we finally stopped at a little village called Arumakali, where lots of other trucks were parked. Since it had started to rain, we slept in a three-sided shelter, open to the air on one side. 


Waking up at dawn, Samuel said that Dire Dawa was 30 kilometers away. I figured that would take a few minutes. 


The road goes over a mountain range leading to the high plateau that is the heartland of Ethiopia. Much of it was unpaved and narrow, with large trucks going both directions. It took us nearly 3 hours to go that 30 kilometers.


Until the new railroad was built, this was almost the only way to get goods in or out of Ethiopia.  


I'm immensely impressed by the Ethiopian people. Many don't make much money — maybe 50 to 75 dollars per month. I was carrying maybe a year's income for them in my backpack. Of course, they knew that, but I never felt threatened in anyway.  


And, Muslims and Christians in Ethiopia appear to get along very well.  Somebody should study how they do that. 


Hard working truckers like Samuel are the life-blood of the Ethiopian economy. Every day, they do a key job in harsh conditions, with great skills and endurance.  


Samuel was a good Samaritan, just when I needed one. Not only did he drive me to Dire Dawa. He waited for me at the Ethiopian Airlines office so I could buy a ticket to Djibouti, though I'm sure he was exhausted. Then, he found a bajaji to take me to the airport. I offered to pay him, but he refused.


Samuel, thank you for giving me a great view of your country.


  • 元钉_3h


    北康庄闲 回复 @元钉_3h: 我也喜欢,这个

  • 念念不忘必有回响_w7

    从隔壁China Daily过来,还是这个舒服。。。

  • Jemonamour

    Thank you

  • BlindBlue


  • 大米宝宝给我冲


  • 丝路花雨_Fe

    Soooo good! Thank you!