


Mum's boys mentally strong 


They may be the stereotypical butt of jokes. But mummy's boys are less likely to suffer from poor mental health or unpopularity at school, research suggests. And the same is true for daddy's girls, who enjoy a similar lift in their self-esteem and confidence. 


"Our new finding is that boys and girls are especially influenced by their relationship with the opposite sex parent. Boys who are close to their mum tend to have better mental health, as do girls who are close to their dad," said Harry Benson, research director of Marriage Foundation. 


"A strong relationship with the parent of the opposite sex boosts self-esteem and peer group relationship skills – both of which support sound mental health," according to Sir Paul Coleridge, chairman of the foundation.


Campaign to curb salt intake


Salt consumption exceeds national and World Health Organization guidelines in most countries, but only the highest-sodium diets, such as in China, are linked to clear health risks, researchers said. 


Only individuals with a daily salt intake of at least 12.5 grams - about two-and-a-half teaspoons - were associated with increased blood pressure and a greater risk of stroke, they reported in The Lancet, a medical journal. 


"We should be far more concerned about targeting communities and countries with high average sodium intake - above five grams (equivalent to 12.5 grams of salt), such as China - and bringing them down to the moderate range of 7.5 to 12.5 grams of salt," said lead author Andre Mente, a professor at the Population Health Research Institute at McMaster University in Canada. 


Four-fifths of the groups examined in China had average daily salt intake of 12.5 grams, whereas in other countries 84% ingested between 7.5 and 12.5 grams.


Most college students single


A recent survey found that 71% of college students in China are single. More than half of the students surveyed remain single because they have a small circle of friends, while 46% attributed their singleness to shyness and 45% to pickiness in partners. 


However, 43% of students are single because they choose to be. They are simply not interested in being in a serious relationship at this time in life. Good character is the most important factor college students are looking for in a partner, chosen by 96%. Personality comes in second with 91%. 


While 74% of male students think appearance is important, female students usually have more comprehensive considerations for future partners, including health, intelligence, economic condition and family background.


Mail arrives after 8 yrs


Palestinian postal service employees are working overtime to sort through some 10 tons of letters and packages blocked by Israel for up to eight years, Palestinian officials said. The parcels, dating from between 2010 and this year, had been prevented by Israel from entering the West Bank via Jordan but were released in a one-time deal, the officials said.


COGAT, the Israeli defense ministry body responsible for civilian coordination in the Palestinian territories, said the release was part of confidence building measures after the two sides agreed on a postal entry deal "about a year ago". 


Ramadan Ghazawi, an official at the sorting center in Jericho, said the parcels and letters, mostly the former, had been sent from all over the world. Many were goods ordered online by Palestinians that never arrived. Ghazawi said it would take his staff another two weeks to sort through all the parcels and get them delivered to their recipients.


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  • Kingkiller007


    西安凌凌漆 回复 @Kingkiller007: 可爱的卡壳

  • 鹿鹿风尘


  • 平美_fd


  • henoanel


  • 拽二爷_1j

    快高考听力考试了 希望能有帮助

  • 印尼海龟


  • 1667903gkvc


  • vampire_2s

    不会吧,我认识一个daddy's girl是沉默寡言,郁郁寡欢,整天看电视,喜欢一个人静静的待着,如果没人和她说话的话估计她自己能静静的过完一生。据说是suffering from depression。而她自己总认为没病。这和新闻报道的截然相反啊

    圆圆说话 回复 @vampire_2s: 我有一位daddys girl同学,这位女同学很安静,喜欢看电视,喜欢睡觉,喜欢吃,不玩游戏,圈子很小,就是她们寝室的姐妹。不太喜欢和陌生人说话,但是和朋友同学说话的时候就微笑,也很有礼貌,能感觉出来身上发出来的那种阳光气质,自信从容

  • 听友192109868

    谬论 本身就有很大的问题还说心理健康!已经畸形了能健康?那

  • 听友34982169
