

  • Scrog_LingXi

    3. And also sometimes it's drought that causes these cave-like *?

  • Scrog_LingXi

    2. The officials called up their searches on Saturday. Probably(Prolly) because of the same reason, white workers began demolishing the house. The sink hole was expanding and there were concerns the house might collapse at any time. Sink holes are usually a naturally occurring event. And what happens is a rain water that heavy rain water sort of sits on top of that bedrock sand and clay. If you take into account Florida's landscape, it's got a lot of that very porous limestone that allows the rain as acidic rain to sort of percolate down into the soil forming this cave-like sink holes here.

  • Scrog_LingXi

    1. This Florida resident was in his bedroom last Thursday night, suddenly the ground underneath opened up and swallowed him. A sink hole about 20 feet wide and 15-16 feet deep formed underneath **'s room. His brother Jeremy talked about what happened when it started. "I heard a loud crash like a car come into the house. And I heard my brother screaming. So I ran down there and try to go inside his room but * turned the light on * see was big hole, real big hole." Jeremy Bush jumped into that hole to try to save his brother but he couldn't find him.