





  • 红色采涛

    And that's all the proof I need,这就是我爱的见证,I felt love, I felt Your grace,我感觉到爱,感觉到祢的恩惠,You stole my heart that day,那天起祢已俘获我的心,Oh,woah,噢,喔,You've been walking with me all this time,一直以来祢都伴我同行,All this time, from the first tear cried,一路走来,从我第一次哭泣流泪。

    音乐小叮当 回复 @红色采涛:

  • 红色采涛

    Those four walls now are home,那就是我的栖身之地,Those four walls now are the only place that I can feel,Those four walls now are home,那就是我的归属,Falling at hand of the perfect man,我掉进你的完美情人圈套里,Falling at hand of the perfect man,我掉进你的完美情人圈套里

    音乐小叮当 回复 @红色采涛:

  • 红色采涛

    Those four walls now are the only place where I can breathe out,四面高墙将我围住 无法透气,Those four walls now are home,那里安放着我的心,Those three words now are the only thing that can save me,惟有你能救赎我的心,Those three words now are home,惟有你能使它安稳,Falling at the hand of the perfect man

    音乐小叮当 回复 @红色采涛:

  • 红色采涛

    分享歌词: I remember the moment, I remember the pain,我还记得那个刻,记得那伤痛,I was only a girl, but I grew up that day,我曾经是个小女孩,但我那天长大了

    音乐小叮当 回复 @红色采涛:

  • 乐听音悦


  • 红色采涛

    Tears were falling,泪水在流淌,I know You saw me,我知道祢看见我了,Hiding there in my bedroom, so alone,躲在自己的房间里,孤独无助,I was doing my best, trying to be strong,我尽力了,想变得坚强,No one to turn to,却没有人理我,That's when I met You,就是那时认识了祢,All this time, from the first tear cried,一路走来,从我第一次流泪

    音乐小叮当 回复 @红色采涛: