18-7-26 【《老友记》900句】第72讲 第六季23集 哭哭啼啼怀旧的大男人

18-7-26 【《老友记》900句】第72讲 第六季23集 哭哭啼啼怀旧的大男人









Rachel: Okay, hold on realquick, hold on a second let me just uh, get a little more comfortable here.Wait, now wait a second, this isn’t toorevealing, is it?

Paul: No. What ever happened to that little dude? So full ofdreams…

[wʌ de vər hæ pɪn’ tə ðæ’ lɪ dəl dµd? sou fʌl lə drimz.]

Rachel: I don’t care aboutthe little dude! I can’t! I cannot listen to any more of this! Y’know, the onlyperson who would want to listen to this is a mental health professional! And then it’s onlybecause they get paid $100 an hour! Do youknow how much money I could’ve made listening to you?$2,000!And do you know when I figured that out?While you weretalking!

[djµ nou hɑu mʌtʃ mʌ ni ɑi kʊ də meid lɪ sɪ niŋ tə jµ?]

[ə njµ nou we nɑi fɪ gjər’ ðæ dɑu’]

Paul: What? I can’tbelieve you’re trying to stifle me! When just 14 hours ago wefigured out that that is exactly what my mother was trying to do to me!

Rachel: Oh… I’m sorry. I…I–I don’t mean—I didn’t mean to stifle you. I… This is all just a little overwhelming.

Paul: Oh Rachel, I’m sosorry. I didn’t mean to overwhelm you. It’s just that, when those gates open,you…Hard to close’em. But they are closed now. Believe me.

[bɪ liv mi]

Rachel: I’m so glad, I’m soglad you shared. And I’mglad that you’re done.

[ə nəm glæðæ’ jər dʌn]




  • 熊哥_


  • 雨滳空阶


  • lynnqing


    英语PK台 回复 @lynnqing: 来组织怀里抱抱

    am_shy 回复 @英语PK台: 组织怎么入 ~我是听北外广播 ~然后喜马拉雅推送可能喜欢发现的

  • neo2010

    Hold on, success is waiting for you at the next corner.

    英语PK台 回复 @neo2010:

    英语PK台 回复 @neo2010: 来了来了 就快来了

  • Susie馬甲群主


  • 我爱PK台

    do you know how much money l could have made listening to you