058.(LV2-4)Longtime Affair MS

058.(LV2-4)Longtime Affair MS


Hello. Welcome to the mini story for the Longtime Affair lesson. Let’s get started. First, the
mini story.
There is a very small man named Jim. Jim is only one foot tall. Even though Jim is forty-
eight years old people always perceive him as a child. In the eyes of the public, Jim is a cute little
boy. Jim hates this.
He says "I want people to accept me as I really am. I want them to give me unconditional
respect. I don’t want people to go on treating me like a child." So Jim goes to the gym and exercis-
es every day. He becomes very strong.
He also learns kickboxing. One day a tall man sees him, laughs and says "you’re such a cute
little man, ha ha ha". Jim gets angry. He yells and he kicks the man. They start fighting.
The fight lasts for twenty hours. The mens’ heads and legs and arms become intertwined.
They fall down. Jim finally breaks away from the man. Then he jumps up, kicks him in the head and
the man falls down. Jim wins the fight and yells "no matter how you slice it, I just kicked your ass".
Alright. Back to the beginning. This time with questions. Here we go.
There is a very small man named Jim. Is there a small woman named Jim? No, there’s not a
small woman named Jim, there’s a small man named Jim. Jim is only one foot tall. How old is Jim?
Well, Jim is forty-eight years old. Even though he’s forty-eight years old, people always per-
ceive him as a child. Is Jim a child? No, he’s not a child. People perceive him as a child.
They see him as a child. They see him and they think "oh he’s a cute, little child" but he’s not
really a child. Is Jim a child or a man? Well, Jim is a man. Do people perceive him as a child or a
Well, people perceive him as a child. Who do people perceive as a child? Well, people per-
ceive Jim as a child. Do people perceive Jim as a big, strong man? No, they don’t perceive him as a
big, strong man.
They don’t see him as a big, strong man. They perceive him as a child. In the eyes of the
public Jim is a cute, little boy. In the eyes of the public, is Jim a strong man? No, in the eyes of the
public, in the public’s opinion, in most people’s opinion, Jim is a cute, little boy.
In the eyes of the public is George Bush a cute, little boy? No-no. In the eyes of the public
George Bush is not a cute, little boy. In the eyes of the public Jim is a cute, little boy. In the eyes of
his father, is Jim a cute, little boy?
No-no. His father doesn’t think he’s a little boy now. His father knows he’s a man, a good,
strong man. In the eyes of his father, Jim is a real man. But in the eyes of the public Jim is a cute,
little boy.
Alright. Jim hates this. He hates peoples’ perception. He hates what people think about him.
He says "I want people to accept me as I really am."
I want them to give me unconditional respect." Does Jim want total respect from everybody?
Yes, that’s right. He wants unconditional respect from everybody. Does Jim want unconditional love
from everybody?
No, Jim doesn’t want unconditional love. He doesn’t want them to totally love him always. He
wants unconditional respect. He wants people to always respect him in all situations, all the time.
He wants unconditional respect.
Who wants unconditional respect? Well, Jim wants unconditional respect. Why does he want
unconditional respect? Well, he wants unconditional respect because people perceive him as a child.
He doesn’t like this.
He wants unconditional respect. He doesn’t want people to go on treating him like a child.
He says "I don’t want people to go on treating me like a child." Does he want people to continue to
see him as a child? No, he doesn’t want people to go on seeing him as a child.
Does he want people to go on seeing him as a little, weak person? No, he does not want peo-
ple to continue doing that. He does not want people to go on doing that. Does he want people to go
on treating him, seeing him, like a big, strong person? Well, he does want that- but people don’t do
that- so they can’t go on doing that, right?
It can’t continue because it’s not happening already. It’s not possible. They can’t go on doing
something if they aren’t already doing it. To "go on" means to continue doing something that is
already happening. So he says "I don’t want people to go on treating me like a child" -- treating him
like a child.
Do they treat him like an adult? No, they do not treat him like an adult. Do they treat him like
a serious person? No, they don’t treat him like a serious person. How do people treat Jim?
Well, people treat Jim like a child. They pretend he’s a child, right? They behave as if he was
a child. They treat him like a child. Do they treat him badly in a very cruel, mean, bad way?
Well, no they don’t really treat him badly they just treat him like a child. They don’t respect
him. They treat him like a child. And so Jim gets upset. He goes to the gym to workout every day.
He exercises every day. He becomes very, very strong. He also learns kickboxing. One day
a tall man sees him and laughs and says "ha ha ha you’re such a cute, litte man." Jim gets very
He yells and he kicks the man. They start fighting. The fight lasts for twenty hours. Does the
fight last for fifteen hours? No, it does not last for fifteen hours.
Does the fight last for ten hours? No, the fight does not last for ten hours. It does not last for
fifteen hours. How long does the fight last? Well, the fight lasts... the fight continues for twenty
How long is the fight? Well, the fight is twenty hours long. The fight lasts for twenty hours.
What lasts for twenty hours? Well, the fight lasts for twenty hours. The mens’ hands and legs
become intertwined during the fight and they fall down.
Do their hands and legs become wrapped around each other-- connected to each other? Yes,
that’s right-- their hands and legs become intertwined. They are wrapped around each other, stuck
together. They become intertwined. Do their fingers become intertwined?
No-no, not their fingers. Their fingers do not become intertwined -- do not become wrapped
around each other. Do their ears become intertwined? No-no maybe that’s not possible, right? Their
ears do not become intertwined.
Do their hands and legs become intertwined? Yes, that’s right, their hands and their legs wrap
around each other. Their hands and legs become intertwined. Do their necks become intertwined?
Actually, yes their necks wrap around each other.
Their heads and necks stick together also. They all become intertwined- their hands, their
legs, their necks and head. They wrap around each other. They’re stuck together and they fall
down. But finally Jim breaks away from the big man.
Does Jim get free from the big man? Yeah, that’s right he gets free. He breaks away from the
man. Are Jim’s hands and legs still intertwined? No, they’re not, he breaks free.
Right? They’re not connected anymore. They’re not wrapped around each other anymore.
He breaks free. Jim breaks free from the other man.
Does Jim break free from a woman? No-no. He breaks free from the other man. After Jim
breaks free, what does he do? Well, after Jim breaks free he jumps up and kicks the man in the
head. Boom. The man falls down unconscious.
Jim wins the fight and he yells "no matter how you slice it I just kicked your ass." Alright. "No
matter how you slice it" means-- no matter what your opinion, no matter how you look at it, any
angle, any way you look at it, any opinion, everybody will agree-- Jim kicked his ass. And of course
"kicked your ass" means to beat somebody, to win against them. Okay.
So no matter how you slice it, did Jim lose? No. No matter how you slice it, any opinion will
agree, Jim won the fight. No matter how you slice it, is George Bush an idiot?Yes, that’s right--
everybody agrees that George Bush is an idiot.
No matter how you slice it, any way you look at it, any opinion, everybody agrees George
Bush is an idiot. No matter how you slice it, is Jim a strong man? Yeah, that’s right, I think so. No
matter who you slice it, Jim is a strong guy. He’s a tough guy.
Everybody agrees now- no matter how you slice it- Jim is a strong guy. Did Jim kick the
man’s ass? Yes, he did. Jim kicked his ass. Who’s ass did Jim kick?
Well, Jim kicked the big man’s ass. The big man from the gym, right? He kicked his ass.
Does everybody agree that Jim kicked his ass? Yeah, everybody agrees- no matter how you slice it,
Jim won the fight. Jim kicked his ass.
Alright. Very good. Let’s go on. Back to the top again. This time I will pause after the key
words or phrases. Please copy my pronunciation. This is not a grammar exercise. This is a pro-
nunciation exercise. So please focus on pronunciation. Here we go.
There is a very small man named Jim. Jim is only one foot tall. Even though Jim is forty-
eight years old people always perceive him as a child. [pause] People always perceive him as a
child. [pause] In the eyes of the public, Jim is just a cute, little boy. [pause] In the eyes of the pub-
lic, Jim is just a cute, little boy. [pause]
Jim hates this. He says "I want people to accept me as I really am. I want them to give me
unconditional respect." [pause] I want them to give me unconditional respect. [pause] He says "I
don’t want people to go on treating me like a child". [pause] I don’t want people to go on treating
me like a child. [pause]
So Jim goes to the gym and exercises every day. He becomes very strong. He also learns
kickboxing. One day a tall, big man sees him and laughs and says "you’re such a cute, little man,
ha ha ha." Jim gets angry.
He yells and says "I’m going to kick your ass." He kicks the man. They start fighting. The
fight lasts for twenty hours. [pause] The fight lasts for twenty hours. [pause]
The mens’ hands and legs become intertwined. [pause] The mens’ hands and legs become
intertwined. [pause] They fall down. Jim finally breaks away from the man. [pause] Jim finally
breaks away from the man. [pause]
Then he jumps up and kicks the man in the head. Jim wins the fight and he yells "no matter
how you slice it I just kicked your ass." [pause] No matter how you sliced it I just kicked your ass.
Alright. Very good. Please pause now. Try to tell all of the story yourself. Tell everything
yourself. If you can’t remember- relax, go back, listen again.
Alright. Now for the POV, point of view stories next.

  • 杜腐竹


  • 独立思考528

    George Bush:Why always me.

  • levifree


  • Mmemo

  • 声断衡阳


  • 1867936hfql

    George Bush is an idiot