put simply听力词汇

老外常说的“simply put”可不是“简单放”的意思

15、Put It Back

Put On Your Shoes


put on在句子中的应用

L2 Put it Back-2

A2-1 Put your book

英语单词3500 Put 2391-2400

Put It Back 把它放回去

第480集-Put up or shut up

【和Emily一起练口语】put up with

第2113期:Should we put roads underground?

欢迎来到噩梦游戏OST158 Simply Yourself【全3季】(完)

W&W-Put Em Up (Extended Mix)

集思广益怎么说?Put our heads together

英语单词 Simply 2751-2760

Never put money first

虽然摆烂不是put rotten,但put还有更精彩的用法!

polly put the kettle on

put off在句子中的应用

A3-1 Put a pear

L2 Put it Back-1

Put Your Finger On Your Nose

第622集-Put yourself in my shoes

胎教 丨 Firefighters put out fires

第669集-How should I put this?

1970.W&W - Put EM Up

呆在原地别动怎么说?Stay put

第858集-Don't put this on me

英语早读丨Rescue, relief put lives first