

Hi good afternoon my dear friends this is annie speaking大家好。我是annie,是途正英语杨翠仙老师杨妈的学员。如果你有任何英语学习方面的问题,欢迎您随时给我留言。let's learn english together好,我们今天一起来学跟宝宝爬行有关的english sentences一个小baby。他长啊长。终于可能到了七八个月大的时候呢,他就要想着爬行了,也学会爬。ok,我们一起来学一下,看在宝宝爬的时候,我们有哪一些句子可以使用。ok let's get started,嗯,get pi一下啦。

啊,有的小baby呢,他躺蔗糖久了,妈妈觉得可能会累了。来来来,我们就拍一下。所以呢,get pi一下啦,宝贝,it's time for tommy time,It's time for tommy time tommy肚子哈。肚子的世界什么意思呀?因为趴的时候呢,但是趴在肚子上了对吧?it's time for tommy time就表示哎,get趴一趴了,要让宝宝多趴一趴哈。嗯,it's time for tommy time,我们可以举一反三。

it's time for dinner该吃晚饭啦。it's time for stories改听故事啦。it's time for class改上课了。等等哈。嗯哦,天呐,你能趴着用手把自己撑起来了啊。当宝宝学会了翻身以后呢,他可能翻过来啊,就会把自己撑起来哈。嗯,他一开始可能是用他的肘部的力量,慢慢的他就可以用他的手掌把整个人都可以撑起来哈。

就在他趴的时候,慢慢的就要坐起来,对吧?Oh my you can push yourself up on your tommy,Push yourself up。把自己向上推,push推哈,推你自己向上,也就是说把自己呢撑起来了。You can push yourself up on your tummy.好,我们几个宝妈再聊天说,哎,你们家宝宝能不能够这样用手把自己撑起来呢?can your baby push herself up,或是himself up on his tommy or.On his或是her tommy。

哎,你们家宝宝比如说是男宝宝?嗯,can your baby push himself up on his tommy。你家宝宝会自己撑起来吗?把自己撑起来吗?趴的时候啊,嗯,can your baby push herself up on her tommy啊。就可以这样相互的来问一下情况说,宝宝怎么样了。对吧?嗯,哎哟,现在你学会了爬行。now you have learned how to crawl,How to crawl crawl就是爬行哈。那这个句组我们就可以拘反三很多哈。比如说呢,你现在呢学会了写啦?now you have learned how to ride,Now you have learned how to read。你学会读啦对吧?now you have to you have learned.

How to呃,use,Chop sticks。啊,你现在学会了如何用筷子对吧?now you have learned how to呃,take a bath by yourself。你学会自己洗澡,到啦,等等都可以。嗯,now you have learned,你已经学会了half learned.How to crawl学会了如何爬行。你想爬吗?do you want to crawl,Do you want to do something也是非常非常呃。

常用的句子哈,你想要做什么事情吗?do you want to crawl,Do want to jump do you want to play outside。出去玩吗?do want to jump rope要挑什么?do you want to watch a movie do want to listen to a story。你想听故事吗?看电影吗?等等都可以哈。do you want to.Do your homework孩子放学回来,你说你要不要想做你家庭作业呢?do you want to do your homework,嗯,你想要往前爬吗?啊,往前爬。want to crawl to the front front,前边,后边叫back。所以呢,Want to其实就等于do you want to哈。

他省略了do有两个哈,Want to crawl to the front,想要往前面爬吗?want to crawl to the back,孩子一开始可能就有的孩子可能他就是一开始没有学要往前。它爬着爬上往后,对吧?有的,当然就是不停地往前别爬,他可能膝盖的力量没有用上的时候,他可能爬着爬上往后面去了哈。Want to crawl to the front want to crawl to the back。嗯,再努力一点,就是那样啊。在孩子学会爬的时候呢,当然要鼓励他。Put a little more effort into it,There you go put。放置一点点的more,更多一点的effort,努力力量,into it放到这个里面去,其实就是在这件事情上面再努力一点点。put a little more effort into it,There you go。

嗯,就是那样。there you go,就是这样好保持。ok put a little more effort into it where you go.你在用你的膝盖爬。you are using your knees to crawl use knees使用膝盖you are using your knees to crawl。我们家孩子一开始像他都不会爬,要给他脚步一个支撑的力量,他才想着要往前面去啊。前面还得给他放一个那种吸引它的,比如说他喜欢什么小毛绒玩具,要放个毛绒碗玩具让他去购,他可能才想着要去啊,去蹬他的那个小脚丫哈,在踩往前面哈挪动,所以他一开始都不会using his啊。

knees to crawl,哈真的是个啥小孩啊,真的爬都不会。然后是他爸爸叫他如何去爬。ok,嗯,you are using your knees to crawl米抬起膝盖爬耶。you are crawling with your knees up,With your knees up啊。抬抬起膝盖爬。嗯,You are crawling with your niece up ok.比如说,你用你的,你用你的水杯和水,对吧?you are drinking with your啊。

co with your your,Muck with your,Glass等等都可以哈。用你的水位with your bottle哈water bottle啊,水杯对吧?you are crawling with your knees up.他向妈妈crawl over to mommy,Crawl over to mommy哈。一般都是妈妈在前面给他鼓掌。然后呢?嗯,看着宝宝对他微笑,然后告诉他说,来来来,宝宝来加油,加油,爬下妈妈。

crawl over to mommy crawl over to mommy这样呢可能给孩子一些动力哈。他真的会因为孩子天生跟妈妈很轻,妈妈在向他招手啊,在给他鼓掌哈,就会很有劲儿哈就想要爬下妈妈crawl over to mummy好。再努力一点,爬下妈妈。ok put more effort into it,Come to mommy啊。put more effort into it,我们刚说过哈,就是要更努力一点。put more effort into it come to mommy,来妈妈这儿哈。come to mommy,你爬得很好。you are crawling so well,You are crawl in so well。

那我们就可以举一反赛,you are writing so well,你写得很好。you are reading so well,你读得很好,对吧?you are join so well,你画得很好。you are seeing so well唱得很好。you are dancing so well,就等等哈。就孩子的啊,比如说哪,哪怕是骑自行车。you are riding bicycle so well,啊,骑自行车骑得很好。

孩子呢,每一个小小的技能他掌握了,就要快一快了。you are doing,什么什么so well,你做得多么好。ok,你满屋子的爬。等一个宝宝,他学会了爬以后呢,他真的就是满屋子到处去去拿东西,哈,他就已经不能限制他的行动了,所以呢就满屋子爬。所以这个时候呢,要给孩子一个非常安全的环境,让他呃,不停地探索,让他爬哈,然后一定要确保这个环境是安全的啊。不要让他有什么危险哈呃,比如说要地上呢硬硬的地方,给他一些垫子,然后呢一些软的包装哈,这样不去撞到呀,或者是桌的那个瘪别角角呢,给它贴些防撞条等等哈,就是要确保孩子很安全,然后呢再让他马屋子爬。

you are crawling all over the house,All over the house。整个房间里边,整个房子边到处爬。哈。you are crawling all over the house,嗯哇,不要啊,这个小宝宝爬来跑去得。小宝蛋呢,到处乱摸。是这样子的哈。oh no this crawling baby touches everything.对,他学会了爬,然后他就可以去探索这个世界啦。

他就会到处摸呀,或是用嘴巴去啊啃呐等等哈。所以一定要确保环境很安全。嗯,oh no this growingly baby touches everything。他真的是什么都摸哈,touch,触摸everything,触摸一切的东西哈,到处乱摸。they crawling baby,这个爬行的宝宝。touches everything ok,好了,that's all for today's english sentences关于爬行的句子呢。也比较少哈,i do hope you can use them if possible ok thank you for listening see you next time have a nice day bye bye.
