

Firm the co one nine cases have exceeded fifty four million worldwide the number of newly confirmed the cases in the us s has exceeded one hundred thousand per day for the past thirteen days and the total case count is now over eleven million.It took only six days for the number to grow from ten million on number november nine to eleven million yesterday in the us.Forty five states were reported an increase in infection rates from last week and thirty four states are now marked orange or red on the country's vius risk map.Andrewcomo governor of a new york state yes that a public could criticize the tru administrations ineffectiveness on pandemic control.And shot back and the president for accusing him of delay in the distribution of the coronovvarien vaccine to new york state.Facing several festivals on holidays as the year comes to an end many local us administrations have launched the measures.That ask people to stay at home and avoid unnecessary travel or public gatherings.
