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Knowledge. Strength. Wealth. Status. Excellent. Many different words, many different meanings, but they do share one important thing, and that is that they are all outcomes. They are not obtainable by themselves. They need something else, a foundation, is courage. Because courage is the thing that gives you a platform to build on. 知识,力量,财富,地位,卓越。它们是互不相同的词语,各自有不同的意义。但是,它们有一个很重要的共同点,那就是,它们都是结果。 它们本身都是难以获取的。它们的出现需要有别的事物才行,一个基础,就是勇气。因为,勇气是你做如何事的基础。· status 地位 · obtainable 能获得的 · foundation 基础 · platform 平台 · build on 以…为基础 #青春,记得勇敢追梦#

柳青烟love : (>ω<)

岁月静好花盛开 回复 柳青烟love : 感谢收听,欢迎常来。

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Imagine your life is perfect in every aspect. What would it look like? Unless you’re willing to accept average or mediocrity, then this is one thing that you’re going to have to do in order for you to have what you truly want. Keep going and never quit. It is hard being a high-performance person. So do what you have to do now. 想象一下,如果你生活方方面面都很完美,那会是怎样的? 只要你想得到你真正想要的东西,你就得想象完美的生活是什么样子,否则你就要接受平庸。 保持前进,不要放弃。做一个出色的人,这很难。所以,现在就去做你该做的事。· imagine 想象一下 · aspect 方方面面 · unless 除非 · average 平均 · mediocrity 平庸 · high-performance 高效能的 #我希望,你会有一个灿烂的前程#

: ❤️



Don’t meddle with the children, take care of these seven. First, put the used things back, it’s habit. Second, you can’t interrupt others, this is respect. Third, you can’t swear, this is quality. Fourth, say hello to your elders first, this is etiquette. Fifth, apologize for your mistakes, this is a responsibility. Sixth, at least one sports hobby, this is healthy. Seventh, don’t take other people’s things indiscriminately, this is upbringing. 不要乱管孩子,要管就管这7条。 1. 用过的东西放回原处,这是习惯。 2. 不能打断别人说话,这是尊重。 3. 不能说脏话,这是素质。 4. 遇到长辈先打招呼,这是礼仪。 5. 为自己的过错道歉,这是担当。 6. 至少有一个体育爱好,这是健康。 7. 别人的东西不乱拿,这是教养。· meddle 乱管 · interrupt 打断他人讲话 · swear 说脏话 · etiquette 礼仪 · indiscriminately 任意的 · upbringing 教养 #知足且坚定,温柔且上进#





One of the greatest obstacles to getting what you want is to remember past failure as if they foretell the future. If you see obstacles as opportunities rather than difficulties then you can turn them to your advantage. 很多东西阻碍着你去得到你想要的,其中之一就是对过去的失败念念不忘,仿佛过去的失败预言了未来。 如果你把阻碍视为机遇而非困难,那么你就能把他们转为自己的优势。· obstacles 阻碍 · failure 失败 · foretell 预言 · rather 而不是 · difficulties 困难 · advantage 优势 · opportunities 机遇 #希望心情和天气同步升温#



Failure doesn’t mean you have wasted time and life, but suggests that you have a reason to start afresh. 失败并不意味着你浪费了时间和生命,而是表明你有理由重新开始。 Learn how to ride out failure and persevere. This ability to persevere despite obstacles and setbacks is the quality people most admire in others. 学着怎么从失败当中爬起来并且坚持下去。这种不管障碍和挫折的锲而不舍的能力是人们最为钦佩的品质。· failure 失败 · suggests 暗示 · despite 不管 · obstacles 障碍 · admire 钦佩 · ride out 安然度过 · persevere 坚持下去 #我希望,你会有一个灿烂的前程#

秒开 : ❤️很喜欢你的声音和风格,每一首歌好听[赞][赞]

岁月静好花盛开 回复 秒开 : 感谢收听,欢迎常来。



When you focus on what your heart wants you to achieve, your mind is open to more possibilities and ways to tackle the unanticipated and often undesirable that dare to get in your way. 当你专注于达成自己内心的渴望,你的心胸就会像更多的可能性和方法敞开,来处理意外的和不想要的并且敢于横亘在你前进路上的阻碍。 You must take accountability for your situation and overcome these obstacles. 你必须对自己的处境负责并战胜这些阻碍。· focus 专注 · tackle 处理 · unanticipated 意外的 · undesirable 不想要的 · accountability 负责 #虽然辛苦,我还是选择滚烫的人生#



: 你好,互

听友287751055 : 这一天对于我来说就是痛苦的回忆[泪]



Life is a horse, and either you ride it or it rides you. Thousands of things about everything, about to planning, such ability won’t appear “shear continuously came random ”situation. Seriously every choice, ability can have a better future. 人生像一匹马,你驾驭不了它,它便驾驭了你。 千事万事,得一事一事地来规划,这样才不会出现“剪不断理还乱”的局面。 认真对待每一次选择,才会有比较好的未来。· either 要么 · ride 驾驭 · seriously 认真 · shear 剪 · random 胡乱的 · situation 局面 #虽然辛苦,我还是选择滚烫的人生#



As we all known, the man who wants to be success should have a good disposition. 我们都知道,想要成功的人,都应该有一个好的性格。 Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. 性格不可能在安逸和宁静中得以塑造。只有历经艰难困苦的磨练才能强化心灵,振奋雄心,从而达到成功。· ease 安逸 · trial 磨练 · ambition 雄心 · inspired 激发 · disposition 性格 · developed 成熟的 #美好生活的模样#



Many people find solitude to be a pleasant experience that allows one to think, be creative, rest, or simple pass time in solitary activity. 许多人享受孤独,独自一人的时候他们可以尽情思考,尽情发挥创造,小憩一下甚至或者这样简简单单地度过时光。 Simple line and beautiful shape produce a series of fine works and fill the rest moment with appealing story and dialog. 简洁的线条,优美的造型,刻画一幅幅精彩的作品,让休憩的片刻也有着动人的故事与对话。· allows 可以让 · solitary 孤独的 · shape 造型 · series 系列 · appealing 动人的 · dialog 对话 #如果孤独有声音#


兴城比基尼👙广场,每年举办国际泳装大赛,全国大部分泳装都来自兴城,兴城人们欢迎你 我的《三体》记




You may have heard of the law of attraction, which states that what we project to the world will be sent right back to us. 你也许听过吸引力法则,它告诉我们,我们怎么对待这个世界,世界就会怎么对待我们。 When you awake in the morning and set the intention to notice more joy in the world, watch how your day and, eventually, your life is filled with more joy. 当你在清晨醒来并且试图去感受这个世界更多的喜悦,看看你的一天会是什么样,当然,最后你的生命中会充满更多的欢乐。· intention 打算 · notice 注意到 · states 状态 · law法则 · project 投射 · sent 发送 #美好生活的模样#



Some things simple cannot be altered and resilient people accept this, not wasting energy on trying to do the impossible. 有些东西根本无法改变,有韧性的人能接受这一点,不会浪费精力来做不可能的事。 Resilient people avoid anger. If they can control the situation, they work to improve it; if they can’t control it directly, they find ways to cope. 适应力强的人会避免生气,如果他们能控制局势,他们会努力改善;如果不能直接控制,也会找出应对的办法。· simple 根本 · altered 改变 · avoid 避免 · improve 改善 · directly 直接 · cope 应对 #那些被迫坚强的时候#

听友406272301 : 顺其自然

岁月静好花盛开 回复 听友406272301 : 感谢收听,欢迎常来。