



深入推进党风廉政建设 step up efforts to improve Party conduct and ensure clean government

扎实开展“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育 hold activities about keeping in mind our Party's founding mission

持之以恒纠治“四风” keep up efforts to address formalities performed for formalities' sake, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance

一体推进不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐 take coordinated action to make government employees not dare, not able, and not want to commit corruption

审计监督 auditing-based oversight

政府工作人员要自觉接受法律监督、监察监督和人民监督。 We in the government must readily subject ourselves to the oversight of the law, supervisory bodies, and the people.

衡量政绩最终是看结果。 The ultimate measure of our performance is whether and what we deliver.

坚决反对和整治一切形式主义、官僚主义 firmly oppose and put a stop to all pointless formalities and bureaucratism in all its manifestations

让干部从文山会海、迎评迎检、材料报表中解脱出来,把精力用在解决实际问题上。 We should free government employees from the mountains of documents and endless meetings, from the superfluities surrounding evaluations and inspections, and from report writing and form filling-in, and instead spend our energy on solving real problems.

压减和规范督查检查考核事项 cut down on and overhaul matters subject to inspection, checks, and evaluations

带头大幅精简会议 lead the way in making major reductions to the number of meetings

切实强化责任担当 strengthen our readiness to shoulder responsibility

中国改革发展的巨大成就,是广大干部群众筚路蓝缕、千辛万苦干出来的。 The tremendous achievements of China's reform and development to date have been made by our officials and people through perseverance and hard work.

“两个一百年”奋斗目标 the Two Centenary Goals

为政以公,行胜于言。 Government works for the public; words can't compare with actions.

要求真务实、力戒浮华 should be down to earth and practical and eschew doing things for show

以干事创业的实绩交卷 deliver a good performance in what we do

健全激励约束机制和尽职免责机制 the mechanisms for offering incentives, imposing constraints, and conducting due diligence

营造干部愿干事、敢干事、能干成事的环境 create an atmosphere in which officials are encouraged, emboldened and empowered to deliver

更好发挥中央和地方两个积极性 keep central and local governments motivated

树立强烈的事业心和进取心 be truly dedicated and enterprising

事不避难、义不逃责 never sidestep difficulties or shirk obligations

埋头苦干 knuckle down when work is tough

  • 慧知道满足懂的快乐


    韩刚老师 回复 @慧知道满足懂的快乐: 好的,政报近期会上线。