



东部率先发展 east China's trailblazing development

疏解北京非首都功能 relieve Beijing of functions nonessential to its role as the capital

落实粤港澳大湾区建设规划,促进规则衔接,推动生产要素流动和人员往来便利化。 In developing the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, we will work to ensure the implementation of plans, achieving compatibility between each region's rules, and facilitating flows of factors of production and the movement of people.

支持资源型地区经济转型 support economic transformation in resource-depleted areas

大力发展蓝色经济 develop the blue economy

建设海洋强国 strengthen China's maritime development

中心城市 leading cities

农业转移人口落户 grant permanent urban residency to people who have moved to cities from the countryside

城镇棚户区改造 rebuild rundown urban areas

城镇老旧小区量大面广 Old residential areas in cities are large in both number and size.

支持加装电梯 support the installation of elevators

健全生活服务设施 improve amenities

无障碍通道 barrier-free access facilities

柔性化治理 flexible governance

精细化服务 thoughtfully-designed services

让城市更加宜居,更具包容和人文关怀 make our cities more livable and give them a more inclusive and welcoming feel

构建现代化经济体系 modernize an economy

蓝天保卫战 the fight to keep our skies blue

做好北方地区清洁取暖工作 make a good job of promoting clean heating in northern China

治理黑臭水体 clean up black, malodorous water bodies

重点流域和近岸海域 key river basins and offshore areas

加强固体废弃物和城市垃圾分类处置 step up sorting in solid waste and urban garbage disposal

重视合理诉求、加强帮扶指导 heed justified concerns and provide better assistance and guidance

给予合理过渡期 be given a reasonable grace period

避免处置措施简单粗暴、一关了之 avoid handling things in a simplistic and crude way or just shutting firms down

企业有内在动力和外部压力 Enterprises have both motivation themselves and external pressure.

火电 thermal power

加快解决风、光、水电消纳问题 work faster to address the problem of idle capacity in wind, solar, and hydroelectric power

推广绿色建筑 encourage the construction of eco-friendly buildings

培育一批专业化环保骨干企业 develop leading enterprises specializing in environmental protection

推进山水林田湖草生态保护修复工程试点 press ahead with trials to conserve and restore the ecosystems of mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, farmland, and grassland

