



发挥双创示范基地带动作用 give play to the pathfinding role of innovation and entrepreneurship demo centers

设立科创板并试点注册制 establish a science and technology innovation board that will pilot an IPO registration system

弘扬人文精神 championing the spirit of humanity

为经济平稳运行提供有力支撑 boost stable economic performance

城乡居民增收 increase urban and rural personal incomes

助餐助行 assisted meals and assisted mobility

新建居住区应配套建设社区养老服务设施 New residential areas should include facilities for community elderly care services.

让老年人拥有幸福的晚年,后来人就有可期的未来。 Only when the elderly live happily can the young have a future to look forward to.

婴幼儿照护事关千家万户。 Infant and child care is important to millions of families.

支持社会力量兴办托育服务机构 encourage private actors to run childcare and early childhood education agencies

让群众放心消费、便利消费 ensure worry-free and convenient consumption

再开工一批重大水利工程 Work will start on a number of major water conservancy projects.

民用和通用航空 civil and general aviation

适当降低基础设施等项目资本金比例 lower as appropriate capital contribution requirements for infrastructure projects

有序推进政府和社会资本合作 take systematic steps to strengthen cooperation between the government and private capital

政府要带头讲诚信守契约,决不能“新官不理旧账”。 The government must set an example in acting in good faith and honoring contracts; new officials must not be allowed to disavow obligations undertaken by predecessors.

决不允许增加新的拖欠 New arrears are impermissible.

打好精准脱贫攻坚战 beat poverty with precision alleviation



“三保障”:保障贫困户义务教育、保障基本医疗和保障安全住房 see that the basic living needs of rural poor population are met and that such people have access to compulsory education, basic medical services, and housing

加大“三区三州”等深度贫困地区脱贫攻坚力度 intensify poverty alleviation in areas of extreme poverty like the "three regions and three prefectures"

落实对特殊贫困人口的保障措施 ensure social safeguards for the most vulnerable groups

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