



收费公路 toll roads

推动降低过路过桥费用 move to cut tolls on highways and bridges

客货运车辆 passenger and freight transport vehicles

高速公路省界收费站 expressway toll booths at provincial borders

行政事业性收费 government levied charges

加快收费清单“一张网”建设,让收费公开透明,让乱收费无处藏身。 We will speed up the development of a comprehensive listing system for the collection of fees and charges, making charge collecting open and transparent and leaving unauthorized charges no place to hide.

产业化应用 industrial application

技术创新能力 the capacity for technological innovation

加快建设制造强国 move faster to make China strong in manufacturing

固定资产加速折旧优惠政策 the preferential policy of accelerated depreciation of fixed assets

推动标准与国际先进水平对接 upgrade our standards to meet advanced international ones

坚持包容审慎监管 continue accommodative and prudential regulation

平台经济、共享经济 the platform economy and the sharing economy

持续推动网络提速降费 continue to speed up broadband and lower internet rates

开展城市千兆宽带入户示范 launch demo projects to extend 1,000M broadband connectivity to urban homes

远程教育、远程医疗 distance education and telemedicine

在全国实行“携号转网” Cellphone subscribers nationwide will be able to keep their numbers while switching carriers.

规范套餐设置,使降费实实在在、消费者明明白白。 Cellphone packages will be regulated to achieve solid fee cuts for all consumers to see.

科研人员 scientists and researchers

赋予创新团队和领军人才更大的人财物支配权和技术路线决策权 empower teams and leaders of innovation by placing more human, financial, and material resources at their disposal and giving them more power to make decisions on technology roadmaps

开展项目经费使用“包干制”改革试点 pilot the creation of ceilings in funding that enable the retention of unused funds

决不能让改革政策停留在口头上、纸面上 must not allow reform policies to become hollow promises

大力简除烦苛,使科研人员潜心向学、创新突破。 We will work hard to cut red tape to enable researchers to concentrate on the pursuit of learning, innovation, and breakthroughs.

加强科研伦理和学风建设,惩戒学术不端,力戒浮躁之风。 We will strengthen research ethics, improve academic practice, take disciplinary action against academic misconduct, and guard firmly against rash action.

营造良好的科研生态,就一定能够迎来各类英才竞现、创新成果泉涌的生动局面。 If we foster a healthy research environment, we'll be sure to see brilliant and capable people emerge in all fields and create a boundless stream of innovations.

