



改革完善货币信贷投放机制 reform and refine monetary and credit supply mechanisms

适时运用数量和价格手段 employ as needed a combination of quantitative and pricing approaches

扩大信贷投放 increase credit supply

降低贷款成本 bring down the cost of borrowing

不能让资金空转或脱实向虚 avoid funds circulating within the financial sector without entering the real economy or being diverted out of the real economy

多渠道补充资本 replenish capital through multiple channels

清理规范银行及中介服务收费 overhaul fees charged for banking and intermediary services

切实使中小微企业融资紧张状况有明显改善 achieve a marked improvement in providing financing for medium, small, and micro enterprises

鼓励采取市场化方式,妥善解决融资平台到期债务问题,不能搞“半拉子”工程。 We will encourage the adoption of market approaches to solve the issue of maturing debts on financing platforms and make sure that projects financed by such debts are not stopped half way.

城镇各类就业困难人员 urban jobseekers facing difficulties in securing employment

三年内给予定额税费减免 be entitled to a fixed amount of tax and fee deductions for three years

技能提升和转岗转业 upgrade skills or switch jobs or industries

高职院校 vocational colleges

奖助学金 scholarships and grants

加快学历证书和职业技能等级证书互通衔接 speed up work to align vocational technical grade certificates with academic credentials

中央财政、地方财政 central and local governments

支持企业和社会力量兴办职业教育 support enterprises and private actors in providing vocational education

技术技能人才 technicians and skilled workers

让更多青年凭借一技之长实现人生价值 enable more young people to gain professional skills and realize their potential

让三百六十行人才荟萃、繁星璀璨 produce a vast range of talent ready to shine bright

推动降低制度性交易成本 bring down government-imposed transaction costs

下硬功夫打造好发展软环境 make every effort to create an enabling environment for development

以简审批优服务便利投资兴业 cut government approvals and improve services to create a favorable environment for investment and business startups

非禁即入 the policy of "entry unless on the list"

