



增强调控前瞻性、针对性和有效性 make regulation more forward-looking, targeted, and effective

普惠性减税与结构性减税并举 introduce both general-benefit and structural tax cuts

确保主要行业税负明显降低 ensure that tax burdens in our main industries are meaningfully reduced

生产、生活性服务业 producer and consumer services

附加税收抵扣 increased/additional tax deductions

着眼“放水养鱼”、增强发展后劲 aim at an accommodative effect to strengthen the basis for sustained growth

优化收入分配格局 achieve better income distribution

明显降低企业社保缴费负担 significantly reduce enterprise contributions to social insurance schemes

城镇职工基本养老保险 urban workers’ basic aged-care insurance

对历史欠费进行集中清缴 pay off longstanding arrears in a lump sum

社保缴费 premium payments

企业职工基本养老保险基金 enterprise workers' basic pension funds

划转部分国有资本充实社保基金 replenish social security funds through the injection of state capital

养老金合理增长并按时足额发放 aged-care pensions increase as appropriate and are paid on time and in full

确保减税降费落实到位 ensure tax and fee cuts are fully implemented

减税降费直击当前市场主体的痛点和难点 Tax cuts and fee reductions get right to the spot in tackling the pains and difficulties currently troubling market entities.

给各级财政带来很大压力 create big pressure on government budgets at all levels

各级政府要过紧日子,想方设法筹集资金 Governments at all levels must tighten their belts and find workable means of raising funds.

开源节流 increase revenue and reduce expenditures

“三公”经费再压减3%左右 Spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality should be cut by another 3 percent.

长期沉淀资金一律收回 All funds that have long stayed unused will be taken back.

地方政府也要主动挖潜,大力优化支出结构,多渠道盘活各类资金和资产。 Local governments also need to dig deep, take big steps to improve the mix of spending, and put various funds and assets to good use through multiple avenues.

有明显减税降费感受 feel the weight of their burden being meaningfully lightened

困难再多也一定要把这件大事办成办好 see that no matter the number of difficulties, this important job gets done and gets done well

着力缓解企业融资难融资贵问题 work hard to alleviate the difficulties faced by enterprises in accessing affordable financing

