






少数干部懒政怠政。 A small number of government employees lack drive.

勇于担当,恪尽职守 proactively shoulder our responsibility and fully perform our duties

统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局 pursue coordinated progress in the five-sphere integrated plan

协调推进“四个全面”战略布局 pursue balanced progress in the four-pronged comprehensive strategy

高水平开放 high-standard opening up

加快建设现代化经济体系 work faster to modernize the economy

着力激发微观主体活力 invigorate micro entities

创新和完善宏观调控 take creative steps to improve macro-control

增强人民群众获得感、幸福感、安全感 enable people to feel happier, more satisfied and secure

保持经济持续健康发展 sustain healthy economic development

可以预料和难以预料的风险挑战 risks and challenges, foreseeable and otherwise

干劲不能松懈 The energy we bring to our work must not be allowed to wane

我国发展仍处于重要战略机遇期 China is still in an important period of strategic opportunity for development.

经济长期向好趋势没有也不会改变 Our economic fundamentals are sound and will remain so over the long term.

居民消费价格涨幅3%左右 CPI increase of around 3 percent

金融财政风险 financial and fiscal risks

赤字率 Deficit-to-GDP ratio

财政收支 government revenue and expenditure

决不让基本民生保障出问题 make certain that people's basic living needs are met

要把好货币供给总闸门,不搞“大水漫灌” ensure the valve on aggregate monetary supply is well controlled and refrain from using a deluge of stimulus policies

疏通货币政策传导渠道 improve the transmission mechanism of monetary policy

有效缓解实体经济特别是民营和小微企业融资难融资贵问题 effectively mitigate difficulties faced in the real economy, especially by private enterprises and small and micro businesses, in accessing affordable financing

深化利率市场化改革 deepen reforms to strengthen the market's role in setting interest rates

就业优先政策要全面发力 An employment-first policy will be pursued with full force.

就业是民生之本、财富之源。 Employment is the cornerstone of wellbeing, and the wellspring of wealth.

当前和今后一个时期 in the immediate future and for some time to come

我国就业总量压力不减、结构性矛盾凸显 The pressure on aggregate job creation will continue unabated, the related structural issues will become more pronounced.

必须把就业摆在更加突出位置 must give greater priority to increasing employment

