第4篇 可怕的地震 语法句型文章精讲

第4篇 可怕的地震 语法句型文章精讲


第4篇 可怕的地震 语法句型文章精讲

4. A Horrible Earthquake


       Dirty water rose in wells and canals before the earthquake.But no one judged that anearthquake was coming. Suddenly, everything shook. It seemed as if the world was at an end. Millions of brick houses and a number of dams were destroyed. Railway tracks became useless bars. Pipes in mines burst and let out smelly steam. Huge cracks trapped cyclists everywhere.

    The next day, this event was the headline or main title of all newspapers. With the reporters giving an outline of the disaster, the whole nation was shocked by the damage and the victim’s extreme suffering. People were moved when they read that the survivors comforted each other by saying “Congratulations! You survived!”. So they not only expressed their sympathy sincerely, but also organized together to help the victims right away. The injured were rescued and the dead were buried. The frightened survivors were dug out from under the ruins and were offered shelter, fresh water and electricity. Thanks to people’s help, the loss was minimized.



  • 五郎的小跟班

    冠名词有形。rose rise不及物动词无被动语态。动后有句是宾从。进行时表将来。单独逗号隔开的词只能是副词,大多ly结尾。it seemed as if 虚拟语气,as if +过去时表与事实相反。the:地球太阳和月亮,世界乡下和厨房。a number of +可数复数=many。the next day,以上文出现时间为起点的第二天,用过去时/过去将来时;next day 以今天为起点的明天。用一般将来时。with+n+doing伴随状语,伴随着某人主动做。by介词之后+ing。the+adj 表一类人。

  • 桔桔子呐


    英语盖老师 回复 @桔桔子呐: 文章内容往下拉,或者网上有相关文档,都是公开的。

  • 怎么又饿了呀


  • 1501656slvi


    英语盖老师 回复 @1501656slvi: 我看了一下原文档,原文档确实是单数所有格。不过我同意你的看法,这里要用复数名词的所有格。因为受害者victim 不止一个人。

  • 张平653


  • 听友390984396


    英语盖老师 回复 @听友390984396: 如果之前是逗号,则but是并列连词,连接两个平行转折句,这是它的语法功能。如果是句号,则它是新一句话的连接词,更侧重语气上的转折。

  • 小西小雅

    动词后为宾从 单独逗号隔开的是副词 It seemed as if 虚拟语气 一般后面be动词用were表示与过去相反 有时也可用was "地球太阳和月亮,世界乡下和厨房"前加the burst原形过去式一样 with +n.+doing 伴随着某人做什么 comforted each other 安慰彼此 from under shelter 栖身之处 避难所

  • 南茜007


  • Gulzira7245

    你是唯一让我把英语语法给我讲明白的老师 感谢遇见你

  • 怎么又饿了呀

    trapped 使陷入