e01_1 farm

e01_1 farm

  • 毛茸茸的小赫敏

    Hello, Maisy Maisy is at the farm today. Whare are you going now, Maisy? One egg, two eggs, three eggs. Are there any more? Oh, what's that, Maisy? Ah, it's a kitten. Who's that? whoa, careful, Maisy! There's always lots of work to do on a farm. and lots of funny smells too!

    毛茸茸的小赫敏 回复 @毛茸茸的小赫敏:

  • MealieXu徐米粒

    Hello, Maisy Maisy is at the farm today. Whare are you going now, Maisy? One egg, two eggs, three eggs. Are there any more? Oh, what's that, Maisy? Ah, it's a kitten. Who's that? whoa, careful, Maisy! There's always lots of work to do on a farm. and lots of funny smells too!

    Noanswer_pL 回复 @MealieXu徐米粒:

  • MealieXu徐米粒

    one apple, two apples, three apples, Oh, hello again,Oh, It's feeding time. Now it's time to go and give the baby lambs their milk. Mmm, I bet that tastes good. Time for bed, everybody. Good night, piglets, Good night, geese, Good night, lambs, Good night, foal, Good night, chickens,

    Fiona朱音妤 回复 @MealieXu徐米粒: 特别感谢!

  • 听友38384383


    5ta80el361ao3nt32y8j 回复 @听友38384383: 有字幕就更好了

  • CAD培训18837


    1825305dfet 回复 @CAD培训18837: 阿葵好咯墨迹特殊看咯啊得得得磨牙8425641145263277-:65858部9元3

  • Kelly_Eddy


    皮皮妈妈pp 回复 @Kelly_Eddy:

  • 岁月无恙否

    Hello, Maisy Maisy is at the farm today. Whare are you going now, Maisy? One egg, two eggs, three eggs. Are there any more? Oh, what's that, Maisy? Ah, it's a kitten. Who's that? whoa, careful, Maisy! There's always lots of work to do on a farm. and lots of funny smells too!

    听友314338982 回复 @岁月无恙否: 苦瓜炒蛋包饭团

  • Ttfffgg


    听友314338982 回复 @Ttfffgg: 才好吃饭了没有啊

  • z8flpfh1l5ka1gt2mx3g

    我儿子一般先看视频再听 还挺喜欢

    听友300441093 回复 @z8flpfh1l5ka1gt2mx3g: 请问怎么看视频啊

  • MealieXu徐米粒

    Time for bed, everybody. Good night, piglets, Good night, geese, Good night, lambs, Good night, foal, Good night, chickens, And Good night, little chick, Oh, and good night, kitten, Bye bye, Maisy.