The Little Prince 05

The Little Prince 05



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I soon learned to know that flower better. On the little prince's planet there always been very simple flowers. But this one had grown from a seed blown from who knows where. 

And the little prince   *   *  】 closely watched over a sprout there not like anyothers. It might been a new kind of baobabs. But the shrub soon stooped growing and began to show  sun's】blossoming. The little prince would watched the development of a  【  *   】bud , realize some sort of miraculous apparition would emerge from it. 

And then one morning, precisely at sunrise, she showed herself. 

"Ah! I am hardly awake. forgive me. I am still all long 】tidy."

"How lovely you are!"

"Oh! Aren't I? And I was born at the same time as the sun. I believe it's breakfast time, would you so kind attend to me?"

And the little prince utterly abashed, having gone to look for a watering can served the flower. But she soon began tormenting him with her   rather touch  * 】"                

One day, for instance, alluding to refer four thorns, she remarked to the little prince:"I am ready for tighter with all their claws."

"There no tigers on my planet. And besides tigers don't eat weeds."

"I am not a weed."

"Oh! Forgive me..."

"I am not at all afraid of tigers. But I have a horror of drafts. You wouldn't have a  *  】 "

"A horror of drafts--that not a good sign for a plant. How completely this flower is."

"After dark you would put me under the glass. How cold it is where you lives, quite uncomfortable. Where I come from I..."

And she suddenly broke off. She had come here a seed, she couldn't know anything about any other world. Humiliated, and having let herself be caught on the verge of so naïve a lie, she coughed two or three times. In order to put the little prince in the wrong. 

"What about the screen?"

"Ah... I was going to go look for one but you were speaking to me. "

Then she made herself cough again. In order to inflict *  】Of remorse him all the same.

So the little prince dispite all the good will of his love, had soon come to mistrust her. It taken seriously certain inconsequential remark made him very unhappy. On the morning of his departure he put his planet in order. And when he watered the flower one last time, and put her under glass. He felt like crying. 

"Goodbye. "

"Goodbye. "

"I have been silly, I... I ask your forgiveness. Try to be happy..."

He was surprised they were no reproaches. He stood there, quite bewildered, holding the glass bell in mid-air. 

"Of courses I love you, it was my fault you never knew. Now it doesn't matter】.but you you just as silly as I was. Try to be happy. wouldn't 】put the glass down, I don't want it any more."

"But the wind..."

"My cold isn't that bad, night air will do me good. I am a flower."

"But the animals--"

"Well, I need to put up two or three caterpillars if I want to get to know the butterflies. Apparently they are beautiful. But was who * 】Me. You will be far away... As for the big animals-- I am not at all afraid of them. I have... I have my own claws."

And she naively showed her four thorns.

"Don't turn around like this irritating. You made up your mind to leave now. Now, go!"

She didn't want him to see her crying. She's such a proud flower. 

  • 听友55997831

    最佳版本没有之一 不服来辩

    咚吉吉国王 回复 @听友55997831: 最好听的版本,没有之一

  • 听友75239643


    听友94884575 回复 @听友75239643: 如果玫瑰的声音是个娇气的小女孩子声音就好了,和小王子才登对啊T_T

  • Super3T


    Super3T 回复 @NIUD_: 多谢! 就是这两年新出的小王子电影么?

  • Relynn小红


    倪师名垂青史 回复 @Relynn小红: 同感

  • 蓝擎苍宇


    力哥爱英语 回复 @蓝擎苍宇: 谢谢亲的支持

  • 听友32166399

    很喜欢这个版本的 目前最喜欢~

    力哥爱英语 回复 @听友32166399:

  • 力哥爱英语


  • Relynn小红


    美人隔秋 回复 @Relynn小红: 长按不能保存呢

  • 听友92805655


    罗伟皓 回复 @听友92805655:

  • 清凉世界_01

    5-1: there always had been/brought from who-knows-where/had kept a close watch over the sprout that was not like any of the others. It might have been/But the sprout soon stopped/show signs of blossoming/development of an enormous bud/I'm still all untidy/Ah, aren't I

    边走边看_6a 回复 @清凉世界_01: n牛