





最美课文朗读《短诗三首》Story of stoneShowtimestreetdanceBattle of talent贤舟车劳顿First online Child Safety BillActor 94 Does her own stunts in filmSimple micro adventuresGoing southCell phone banNASA千载难逢的新星爆炸NASA:nova explosionLost and foundArmegeddon人机Armegeddon业:丶KBα11S单元KunkarHong Kong狼牙山五壮士The chimpanzee whispererStoryKindElectricThe DinosaurSleep wellTraveling江南春不嘻嘻CARGOLDCULTURE SHOCKDISNEYLAND昆卡word4000 u13THE MEAN CHEFHOTTERMALLSfather of riceCare for parents创新StopEEG星星淄博串串Christmaspainting the world green丁香结Relaxation in a Busy WordThe Incredible Dolphin双语读诗:暮江吟·【唐】白居易双语读诗:鹿柴 ·【唐】王维Five tips for using less plasticThe Big RaceThe Problem With Plastic现代诗三首双语读诗:浪淘沙(其七)【唐】刘禹锡The Missing Pilots双语读诗:《大林寺桃花》唐·白居易双语读诗:滁州西涧 【唐】韦应物双语读诗:九月九日忆山东兄弟【唐】王维双语读诗:绝句 Quatrain …【唐】杜甫Mystery of the terrible hand双语读诗:元日 The Lunar New Year’s Day【宋】王安石When corn was cash绝句燕子The truth about dinosaurs2The truth about dinosaurs1Our place瀑布双语读诗:采莲曲 【唐】王昌龄大自然的声音一时强弱在于力,万古胜负在于理Living in spaceSharing a room in SpaceLife beyond earthThe impossible pet shownail soupHelping HandsTo the south poleA musical boostHip-Hop planetSomedayGiant squid双语读诗:《赠汪伦》 唐·李白RE~F. U11B Sea MonstersStarry night寒假语文日积月累Magnet work寒假读诗词二The mammoth tale寒假读诗词 1How are all of our imaginationEvery day is amazingA warmingA Love poem in StoneDo animals laughA difficult decisionA Penguin FamilyParasomniaThe photoJANE’S. DISCOVERYThe meaning of dreamsInchworm’s TaleArctic firstsShannon双语读诗:咏鹅 【唐】骆宾王双语读诗:秋夕·唐 杜牧Polar pioneer初夏之果雨露鹬蚌相争~渔翁得利放假歌明日歌语文复习二语文复习一我永远爱你荔枝图序+文说井蛙与夏虫+文说Inch by inch对不起小熊拍照Wake up sun美得令人窒息的唐诗:On the stork tower肥皂之歌~Shannon老师《1⃣️谁告诉我真相》~Shannon老师17~动物王国开大会伸手歌2《忆江南》~Shannon美得令人窒息的唐诗:A Spring Morning读书之要Nate the great and the PillowcaseNate the great …{ >•<}…Nate The Great%{^_^}%树影Ivy +Bean tough cookies12:画竹Frog and Toad校园多快乐Ivy +BeanNelly Gnu and daddy too相亲相爱一家人乘凉Llama Llama:Time to shareLittle HootThe Napping HouseLittle Pea1:My Little Turtle游戏春雨的色彩Ivy and Bean Book1 No thanks风 Shannon 读小青蛙(教学)青蛙姓氏谣,Shannon教姓氏歌学生竞走小猴I love mum习体操蝴蝶逐雀蜘蛛结网喂鱼采菱歌Little Sister's DrawingIVY+BEAN And the ghost that had to goSpring Fever 20200223墨梅 20200223一分钟 20200220树和喜鹊 ShMy Big Fat Cat秘密曲Animals on the go小老鼠的祈祷 2020-02-17The Mouse's Prayer 2020-02-17爱之歌2020-02-17小壁虎借尾巴 2020-02-15走进春天声律启蒙•一东(节选)春水2020-02-11
