








The Golden Goose 金鹅神话的故事The Four Brahmins 四个婆罗门Jungle book 奇幻森林The Goose that Laid Golden Eggs 生金蛋的鹅Little Red Hen 红色小母鸡The Frog and the Ox 青蛙和公牛Elephant and Ant 大象和蚂蚁The Ruby Prince 红宝石王子The Nail and the Cherry Tree 蜗牛和樱桃树The Vain Crow 虚荣的乌鸦The Golden Hood 小金帽The Sun and the Moon 太阳和月亮The Old Sultan 老狗苏丹There Comes the Tiger 老虎来了The Magic Gifts 神奇的礼物The Pink 粉色玫瑰the Magic Bell 神奇的铃铛Musician of Bremen 不莱梅的音乐家Town Mouse and Country Mouse 城里老鼠和乡下老鼠Hansel and Gretel 汉赛尔与格莱特Princess Anastasia 阿纳斯塔西娅公主Five Peas 五粒豌豆Gerilaug and Grethari 吉尔洛与格罗萨利Who Will Bell the Cat 谁去给猫系铃铛The Boy's with the Stars 带星星的男孩Maya the Bee 蜜蜂玛雅The Flying Bycle 飞车The Flying Trunk 飞箱Wolf and Seven Little Goats 狼和七只小羊Mother Holle 霍勒妈妈The Bird of Truth 真理之鸟Swan Lake 天鹅湖The Hare and the Porcupine 兔子和豪猪It's Quite True 完全是真的The Glowing Princess 光彩夺目的公主The King and the Ogre 国王与怪物The Lion and the Mouse 狮子和老鼠Tiddu the Piper 吹笛子的迪杜Sweet Porriage 甜粥The Water of Life 生命之水The Ant and the Grasshopper 蚂蚁和蚱蜢The Twin Sisters 双胞胎姐妹Honest Jenny 诚实的珍妮The Poet and the Princess 诗人和公主The Magic Kitty 神奇的猫The Grateful Crane 感恩的仙鹤The Prince and the Three Fates 王子和他的三个厄运The Magic Swan 魔法天鹅The Tiger and the Buffaloes 老虎和水牛The Raspberry Worm 树莓虫Mangita and Larina 曼吉塔和拉瑞娜Princess of the Blue Moutain 蓝山公主Gardener 园丁the Crane and the Crab 鹤与螃蟹To Your Good Health 祝你身体健康The Pot of Pinks 一盆粉色的花The Giant's Spell 巨人的咒语The Two Travellers 两个旅行者The Jumper 跳高者the Knight of the Fish 鱼骑士The Lazy Brahmin 懒惰的婆罗门The Mermaid and the Prince 王子与美人鱼The Monkey and the Crocodile 猴子和鳄鱼The most Incredible Thing 最难使人相信的事情The Old Street Lamp 老街灯The Hunchback of Notre Dame 巴黎圣母院的驼背人the Golden Treasure 金黄的宝贝the Princess of Spring 春公主the Envious Neighbor 嫉妒的邻居the Poor Cobbler 可怜的鞋匠The Prince and the Pauper 王子与乞儿The Gnome 土地神the Brave Little Tailor 勇敢的小裁缝The Beast Slayer 杀兽者The Green Knight 绿衣骑士Brave Dave 勇敢的戴夫Bobino 波比诺The Princess And the Dragon 公主与龙East of the Sun and West of the Moon在太阳以东和月亮以西的地方146- The Old Man and His Grandson 老人和他的孙子The Proud Tree 骄傲的树The Talisman 神方The Lazy Girl 懒惰的女孩145- The Grumpy Old Man 坏脾气老头135- The Tinder Box 打火匣The Magic Pencil 神奇的铅笔The Legend of the Waves 海浪的传说The Intelligent Buffalo 聪明的水牛The Greedy Milkman 贪婪的牛奶商贩The Grateful Prince 感激的王子The Teapot 茶壶The Wise Maiden 聪明的少女The Wonderful Ring 美妙的戒指Water in the Dessert 沙漠中的水源The Forest Cloaked Princess 穿森林斗篷的公主The Last Leaf 最后一片叶子The Magic Bed 神奇的床The Lady and the Lion 女人和狮子The Golden Plate 金色的盘子The Enchanted Princess 魔法公主The Fir Tree 冷杉树The Faithful Prince 忠诚的王子Snow White and Red Rose雪白与玫瑰红Queen of Flowery Isles 花之岛女王Prince Bayaya and his Magic Horse巴亚王子和他的魔法马Princess Rosette 玫瑰公主One-Eye, Two-Eyes, Three-Eyes 一只眼睛两只眼睛三只眼睛Diamonds and Toads 钻石和蟾蜍Clever Shoemaker 聪明的鞋匠Asmund and Singy 阿斯蒙德和辛格Rudolph the Red Nosed Rendeer 红鼻子驯鹿Princess Naeena 妮娜公主Pocahontas 波卡洪塔斯《风中奇缘》Jack the Fool 愚蠢的杰克Happy Prince 快乐王子Four Brothers 四兄弟Clever Maria 聪明的玛利亚Butterfly Princess 蝴蝶公主Beloved Nightingale 心爱的夜莺An Impossible Enchantment 不可能的魔法The Eise Little Girl 聪明的小女孩The Devil with Three Golden Hairs 魔鬼的三根金发The Cap Celler and the Monkeys 卖帽人和猴子The Buddha and the Homeless Man 佛祖与流浪汉Sindbad the Sailor 辛巴达历险记3Sindbad the Sailor 辛巴达历险记2Sindbad the Sailor 辛巴达历险记1The Proud Rose 骄傲的玫瑰花The Horse and the Donkey 驴子和马The Flawless Prince 完美的王子What the Old Man Does is Always Right 老头子做事总不会错Three Little Pigs 三只小猪The Travelling Companion 旅伴The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter 砍竹人的传奇The Spirit in the Bottle 瓶子里的妖精Milkmaid's Dream 挤奶女孩的白日梦The Bear and Two Friends 熊和两个朋友Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿Magic Cow 神奇的奶牛Heidi 海蒂Gulliver's Travel 格列佛游记Gingerbread Man 姜饼人the Jungle Book 奇幻森林Princess Rose and the Golden Bird 玫瑰公主和金色鸟儿The Salty Sea 咸海Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽the Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人Four Brahmins 四个婆罗门Goose Girl 牧鹅姑娘 中文版Goose Girl 牧鹅姑娘King Grisly Beard 大胡子国王Robin Hood 罗宾汉Goldilocks and the Three Bears金凤花和三只熊The Adventures of Tom Sawyer汤姆·索亚历险记Thumbelina 拇指姑娘Rumpelstiltskin 侏儒怪King of Golden Mountain金山之王White Snake 白蛇 中文版White Snake 白蛇Salad 沙拉Rapunzel 长发公主The Galoshes of Fortune 幸运的套鞋Pinocchio 皮诺曹(木偶历险记)The Golden Bird 黄金鸟 中文The Golden Bird 黄金鸟Donkey Skin《仙侣奇缘》The Golden Headed Fish 金冠鱼的故事Little Mouse A Princess小老鼠公主The Magic Cap神奇的帽子The Ugly Ducking 丑小鸭Frog Prince 青蛙王子Jorinda and Jorindel 约丽丹和约雷德尔The Lost Fairy 迷失的仙女Pied Piper of Hamlin 哈梅林吹笛人Snow Queen 冰雪女王Lazy Donkey 懒惰的驴子Magic Pot 魔法罐Princess and the Pea 豌豆和公主Jack and the Beanstalk 杰克和魔豆Adventures of Tom Thumb 拇指汤姆历险记Puss in Boots 穿靴子的猫Ida's Little Flowers 伊达的小花A Shrewd Farmer's Story 一个精明农民的故事A Ray of Hope 希望之光2A Ray of Hope 希望之光1Alibaba and 40 Thieves 阿里巴巴和40大盗Aladdin and the Magic Lamp 阿拉丁和神灯The Magic Mirror 魔镜Mulan 花木兰Sleeping Beauty 睡美人The Nutcracter 胡桃夹子The Little Woman 小妇人The Wizard of Oz 绿野仙踪Happy Prince 快乐王子Elves and Shoe Maker 精灵和鞋匠The Intelligent Fisherman 聪明的渔夫Emperor's New Clothes 皇帝的新装The Selfish Giant 自私的巨人The Foolish Barber 愚蠢的理发师The Giving Tree 一棵奉献的树King Midas Touch 国王的点金术Steadfast Tin Soldier 坚定的锡兵Reward for Honesty 诚实的奖励12 Dancing Princess 12个跳舞的公主Little Match Girl 卖火柴的小女孩Snow White and the seven Dwarfs 白雪公主和七个小矮人Beauty and Beast 美女与野兽Cinderella 灰姑娘Peter Pan 彼得·潘Little Mermaid 海的女儿Fisherman and his wife 渔夫和金鱼Alice in Wonderland 爱丽丝梦游仙境The Seven Crows 七只乌鸦The Wild Swans 野天鹅The Red Shoes 红鞋子
