Red Rocket 红火箭黄盒进阶级

Red Rocket 红火箭黄盒进阶级




作者:Pam Holden

出版社:Flying Start Books


本专辑收录了黄盒进阶级别的所有音频。黄色进阶级别包括 Early level 2,Early level 3 ,和Early level 4 三个级别。

《红火箭分级阅读系列》是一套从阅读出发,能全面系统地帮孩子掌握英语常用词、基本句型、地道用法的0基础入门书,也是美国和加拿大孩子学语言、练阅读的必备材料。它的进阶体系符合蓝思分级系统, 能带着孩子通过"量"的积累实现"质"的突破。最重要的,这套书的每一级别都是故事书和科普书5:5配比,兼顾趣味性、艺术性和科学性,能让孩子在学英语的同时掌握大量的生活百科知识!

红火箭分级系列之所以被评价为是母语非英语娃们最易入门的读物,很大一部分原因在于这套书的主要作者、编者--Pam Holden帕姆·霍尔顿。这个名字大家可能会觉得陌生,但是说到海尼曼大家一定都很清楚,她就是当年编写海尼曼分级读物的语言专家之一。Pam拥有30多年的面向儿童的英语教学实践经验,已经一对一地教授过成百上千个识字能力有问题的学生,她的学生包括那些将英语作为第二语言的人。她非常清楚孩子发展阅读能力时遇到的难点,和克服这些难点的关键因素。


20-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set A - Hatching Eggs20-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set A - How Do You Move20-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set A - Mixing Paints20-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set A - No Bridge20-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set A - Pockets20-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set A - Rainbow Ballons20-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set A - The Weather Report20-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set A - We Forgot21-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set B - A Forest Fire21-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set B - Carry Me21-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set B - Charlies Boat21-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set B - Helping The Zookeeper21-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set B - I Can't Whistle21-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set B - The Birthday Surprise21-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set B - What Have You Got21-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set B - Which One Is It22-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set C - 22-Hot Air Balloons22-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set C - All Kinds Of Hair22-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set C - Everyone Reads22-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set C - Grandad's Place22-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set C - Helpful Max Monkey22-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set C - Missing Heads22-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set C - Shadows22-Early Level 2 - Fiction - Set C - Slow Down23-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set A - Big Machines23-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set A - Houses And Homes23-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set A - How Old Are You23-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set A - Off To School23-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set A - Sets In Nature23-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set A - Things With Wings23-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set A - Volcanoes23-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set A - What Makes It Go24-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set B - After Dark24-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Animal Homes24-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Making Milk24-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Playground Games24-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Super Spiders24-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set B - The Great Outdoors24-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Top To Toe Counting24-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set B - What Could I Be25-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set C - A Stormy Day25-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set C - Different Dogs25-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set C - Grow A Garden25-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set C - Making Tracks25-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set C - Move Move Move25-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set C - On The Outside25-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set C - So Strong25-Early Level 2 - Non-Fiction - Set C - Underground Explorers26-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set A - Brave Grace26-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set A - Buddy Likes To Ride26-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set A - Dirty Animals26-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set A - Fast And Noisy26-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set A - Go Left Or Right26-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set A - Lots Of Legs26-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set A - Our Tree House26-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set A - The Best Tail27-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set B - Careful Counting27-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set B - Don't Smile27-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set B - Feed The Ducks27-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set B - Our Family Band27-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set B - Robot At The Zoo27-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set B - Snack Time27-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set B - Time For A Swim27-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set B - Wiggly Tooth28-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set C - Thirsty Baby Elephant28-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set C - Magic Stone Soup28-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set C - Our Puppet Show28-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set C - The Hungry Boy28-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set C - Turtle Is Lost28-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set C - Umbrellas Go Up28-Early Level 3 - Fiction - Set C - Who Wins The Race28-Early Level 3- Fiction - Set C - The Mailbox Man29-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set A - Animal Sizes29-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set A - Jobs People Do29-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set A - Puppy School29-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set A - Push Or Pull29-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set A - T Rex29-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set A - Teeth29-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set A -The Chocolate Factory29-Early Level 3Nonficton-Set A-Making a Book30-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Building Roads30-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Dance Dance Dance30-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Life Cycle Of A Plant30-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Masks30-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Road Rules30-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set B - What Is It Made Of30-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Wind30-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Working Animals31-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set C - About Lighthouses31-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set C - Caterpillar To Butterfly31-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set C - Good Things From Trees31-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set C - Learn About Birds31-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set C - Learning To Swim31-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set C - Look In The Mirror31-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set C - Ringing Bells31-Early Level 3 - Non-Fiction - Set C - Water From Rain32-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set A - All By Myself32-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set A - Baby Elephants Trunk32-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set A - Breakfast At The Zoof32-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set A - Hide From Max Monkey32-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set A - Lost At The Zoo32-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set A - Mrs Snip Snap32-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set A - Once upon A Time32-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set A - What Can You Read33-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set B - A Week With My Aunt33-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set B - Animal Art33-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set B - Hare And Tortoise33-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set B - Musical Chairs33-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set B - Shark And Crab33-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set B - Tug Of War33-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set B - Why Is A Bird A Bird33-Early Level 4 Fiction Set B-Shadows on the Wall34-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set C - Bear Gets Stuck34-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set C - Charlie To The Rescue34-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set C - Dinner With Fox34-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set C - Don't Cry Wolf34-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set C - Funny Races34-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set C - Jungle Fire34-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set C - Make A Scarecrow34-Early Level 4 - Fiction - Set C - Seal On The Loose35-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set A - Discover Dinosaurs35-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set A - Inventions Help Us35-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set A - Making Honey35-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set A - Odd One Out35-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set A - Out In The Snow35-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set A - Patterns35-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set A - Perfect Pets35-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set A - Then And Now36-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Animal Friends36-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Fitness Is Fun36-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Icebergs36-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Lets Make A Volcano36-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Living Underground_136-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Presto Pizza36-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Simple Technology36-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set B - Tricky Tangrams37-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set C - Animal Defences37-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set C - Book Art37-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set C - Bugs And Beetles37-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set C - From Tadpole To Frog37-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set C - Help Our Oceans37-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set C - Keepig Safe37-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set C - Polar Bear Survival37-Early Level 4 - Non-Fiction - Set C - The Moon
