




how many pandas are there?how many lions can you see?zero 零ten 十nine 九eight 八。seven 七。six 六。five 五。four 四。three 三。two 二。one 1green 绿色。black 黑色。white 白色。橙色。blue 蓝色。yellow 黄色。red 红色。What is black?The cat is black.What is red? The car is red.This is a school.这是一所学校。Which is a school? 哪个是学校?it's here. 它在这里。where is the bookshop ? 书店在哪里?zoo 动物园park 公园farm 农场school 学校。bookshop 书店。She is meiyangyang.她是美羊羊。Who is she? 她是谁?He is...who is he? 他是谁?Good evening 晚上好。Good afternoon 下午好。Good noon.中午好。Good morning早上好。Glad to meet you.很高兴见到你Glad to meet you.This is a fish.Which is a fish?哪一个是鱼?This is an apple. 这是一个苹果。This is a desk. 这是一张桌子。ant 蚂蚁cow 奶牛。bus 公共汽车。bird 鸟。desk 书桌。eraser 橡皮擦。pencil 铅笔。zebra 斑马。yo-yo 溜溜球fox 狐狸。pig 猪window 窗口。vest 背心。umbrella 伞what are they doing?They are rabbits.Look, what are they?ruler 尺子。turtle 乌龟。snake 蛇。rabbit 兔子。it's a pineapple.it's an 橘子。it's a queen.it's a pen.纳米盒第六课句子。pen 钢笔。pineapple 菠萝。桔子。queen 女王nose 鼻子mango 芒果。lamp 台灯。lemon 柠檬Look, it is a frog 看,它是一只青蛙。hen 母鸡。字母操Ihouse 房子。kite 风筝。it's a ...jacket 夹克衫ice cream 冰淇淋。horse 马。dogduckelephant 发音定位。giraffefrog 发音定位。fish 发音定位…elephantjuicegood morninghellocakebamboocookiesbananaappleshe is called little red riding hood 发音定位there is a pretty girl 发音定位。catdogbearpandamonkeyU1P1-2
