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每日英语 | 英语白加黑










036.1 I'd like to cash this check, please. 我想把这张支票兑换成现金035.1 Why are you so hard on Jack? 为什么你对杰克如此苛刻?034.1 You can sure kiss that money goodbye. 你肯定别想要回那笔钱了033.1 This won't even cover my bills. 这还不够我付账单的032.2 Last Saturday, she broke my heart, and I'm still picking up the pieces032.1 I'll pass them all with flying colours.我会以优异成绩全部通过它们的031.2 I'd like to pay some money into my account. 我想在我的账户里存一些钱031.1 Give me a break! 别烦我了!030.2 We did not have to go downtown and draw money out of Mama's bank account030.1 How come? 怎么回事029.2 Mama reached across the table and touched Papa's arm029.1 It was a half day today. 今天上半天学028.2 Mama gave him a bright smile. 妈妈给了他一个灿烂的笑容028.1 You're all heart. 你心地真善良027.2 Put yourself in your mother's shoes and try to understand what she does027.1 I'll get my degree and make something of myself026.2 They're always on my back about something. 他们总是要逼我做事026.1 My dreams are real simple. 我的梦想很简单025.2 Neither of them show any concern. 他们两人都不表示关心025.1 How many colleges are you applying to? 你申请了几所大学?024.2 I want to take a break once in a while. 我想要偶尔休息一下024.1 I've got my backup schools. 我有后备学校023.2 Don't take a passive role in the relationship. 不要在关系中处于被动地位023.1 Good for you! 你真棒!022.2 There's no point in comparing you with others all the time022.1 I was up late last night.我昨晚睡得很晚021.2 I'm under a lot of stress these days 我最近压力很大021.1 You just made it. 你正好赶到020.2 Posts should not give out personal information. 帖子中不要包含个人信息020.1 Do you have enough change for the bus019.2 He is anxious about his skin because it has started to become very oily019.1 He has a final today018.2 I don't want to go through the same thing again018.1 Why are you up so early. 你为什么起得这么早?017.2 You feel ready to be more responsible and make decisions on your own017.1 Don't slam the door. 别摔门016.2 Everything will turn out all right in the end016.1 I've got to go. 我得走了015.2 When you disagree with your parents015.1 Math is a breeze. 数学轻而易举014.2 You have both a new desire for independence and014.1 Don't drink from the carton!不要直接对着盒子喝013.2 You enter a strange middle ground013.1 Two for the price of one 买一赠一012.2 Teenagers' physical changes may result in such family tensions012.1 I can't believe we're out of cereal011.2 You just cannot see eye to eye with them on anything011.1 One last question010.2 Parents often give their children unconditional love010.1 I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow009.2 My language skills improved over time009.1 I'll pick you up at five. 我五点来接你008.2 We were both in year ten008.1 I'll take you home. 我送你回家007.2 All my efforts will pay off 所有的努力都会有回报007.1 A real relationship takes time. 真正的恋爱需要花时间006.2 Break big goals down into small ones006.1 You're banging your head against the wall005.2 I'll have to put a lot of effort into my studies005.1 It's always the same old story004.2 You alone are responsible for realizing your004.1 The bills are piling up. 账单越积越多003.2 A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step003.1 Good thing I have a day job. 还好我白天有一份工作002.2 Always look on the bright side and never lose hope002.1 I need to change. 我需要换一下衣服001.2 For those of you with a positive mind, opportunity lies in each challenge001.1 It'll be a couple of hours 它要几个小时
