





103. Crave More; Lose What You Have102. Think Twice Before You Act101. Habits Die Very Hard100. A Bought Comfort Isn't a Blessing99. Unfaithfulness Never Pays98. A Willful Person Ever Suffers97. Foolish Friend - Worse Than a Foe96. Never Heed Your Enemy's Advice95. Learn to Be Guided By Your Own Self94. Learn to Fix Your Loyalty93. As You Sow, So Shall You Reap92. Never Be Ungrateful91. Wicked Deserves No Mercy90. Appearance is Often Deceptive89. Only Others can Tell Your Worth88. Always Be Prepared For The Worst87. Blaming Needs Wisdom86. Beware of Hypocrites85. Excess of Anything is Bad84. Never Pretend What You are Not83. Say The Truth But Don't Hurt Anyone's Feelings82. Learn to Grasp The Nettles, If You Want Berries81. Unwise Start Leads to a Sad End80. Keep Your Eyes Open79. High Rank Needs a High Sense78. Hard Work-Key to a Gold Mine77. No Use Repenting When It's Too Late76. Beware of Shrewd Neighbours75. Wickedness Ruins74. Work is Worship73. One In-Hand is Worth Two In-Bush72. Small Things Do Big Jobs71. United We Stand; Divided We Fall70. Realisation Of Mistake69. A Fussy Customer68. Blind Imitation Is Bad66. Concentration65. Fight Always Gives Bad Result64. Peace Of Mind63. Never Tell A Lie62. Result Of Negligence61. The Foolish Deer60. The Little Scholar59. A Small Thing Costs Much58. The Manager always Care For Others57. Who Is Poor56. The Foolish Boy55. Result Of Misdeed54. The Selfish Horse53. Cost Of The Bell52. Never Trust The Well Wishes Of Foes51. The Disguised Peacock50. Never Leave Friends49. Loss Due To Negligence48. Don't Act Hastily47. Horse Riding From A Book46. Naughtiness Is Harmful45. Laughter Is The Best Medicine44. Always Be Truthful43. Hard Work Always Pays42. The Haunted House41. Learn To Live With Your Weaknesses40. The Hare and His Many Friends39. The Old Farmer and His Sons38. A Tailor and the Elephant37. The Monkey and the Crocodile36. A Camel and Jackal35. The Fox and the Goat34. The Hen that Laid Golden Eggs33. The Fox and the Crane32. A Cricket and an Ant31. The Fisherman and His Partner30. The Stag and his Horns29. Two Friends and the Bear27. The Faithful Dog28. The Hare and the Lion26. The Hare and the Tortoise25. The Slave and the Lion22. The Wolf and the Lamb24. King Bruce and the Spider23. The Sun and the Wind21. The Salt Merchant and His Ass20. An Honest Woodcutter19. The Fox and the Crow18. The Fox and the Grapes17. Union is Strength or United We Stand16. A Thirsty Crow15. The Cap-seller and the Monkeys14. The Farm Dog and the Wolf13. A Wolf and the Shepherd Boy12. Bad Company11. The Lion and the Mouse10. Grapes Are Sour9. The Clever Crow8. Tit For Tat7. Ungrateful Tiger6. A Monkey and Two Cats5. A Greedy Dog4. Look before You Leap3. Lies Beget Danger2. The Hidden Treasure1. The Tiger and the Traveller
