有声告白|物种起源 配字幕英语有声书 达尔文

有声告白|物种起源 配字幕英语有声书 达尔文



The Origin Of Species by Means of Natural Selection 论依据自然选择即在生存斗争中保存优良族的物种起源 ——(英)查尔斯·达尔文

语言难度:5 星 (会有生物教材那种长难句,但技术上不会太难理解)


平均单节时长:49 分钟




语言难度系数参考,了解一下 :)

3 - 中级英语学习者,当然不能只有中考英语词汇量啦!(不过,想第一遍就听明白每句话?还是需要再修炼修炼 der )

4 - 已经有相当词汇量,而且听力还不错。正例:托福备考党,自信的中、高中童鞋

5星 - 词汇量/听力暂时不自信的(准)留学僧,慎入!正例:已经一段时间



LibriVox 是公版有声书爱好者的聚集地,2005年起源于美国,以英语为主。




Less fuss, more fun.



A Historical Sketch and Introduction - Origin Of Species, by DarwinChapter 1 Part 1 - Variation Under Domestication - Origin Of Species, by DarwinChapter 1 Part 2 - Variation Under Domestication - Origin Of Species, by DarwinChapter 2 - Variation Under Nature - Origin Of Species, by DarwinChapter 3 - Struggle For Existence - Origin Of Species, by DarwinChapter 4 Part 1 - Natural Selection or The Survival of the FittestChapter 4 Part 2 - Natural Selection or The Survival of the FittestChapter 4 Part 3 - Natural Selection or The Survival of the FittestChapter 5 Part 1 - Laws of Variation - Origin Of Species, by DarwinChapter 5 Part 2 - Laws Of Variation. (continued) - Origin Of Species, by DarwinChapter 6 Part 1 - Difficulties of the Theory - Origin Of Species, by DarwinChapter 6 Part 2 - Difficulties of the Theory - Origin Of Species, by DarwinChapter 7 Part 1 - Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural SelectionChapter 7 Part 2 - Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural SelectionChapter 8 Part 1 - Instinct - Origin Of Species, by DarwinChapter 8 Part 2 - Instinct - Origin Of Species, by DarwinChapter 9 Part 1 - Hybridism - Origin Of Species, by DarwinChapter 9 Part 2 - Hybridism (continued) - Origin Of Species, by DarwinChapter 10 Part 1 - On the Imperfection of the Geological RecordChapter 10 Part 2 - On the Imperfection of the Geological RecordChapter 11 Part 1 - On the Geological Succession of Organic BeingsChapter 11 Part 2 - On the Geological Succession of Organic BeingsChapter 12 Part 1 - Geological Distribution - Origin Of Species, by DarwinChapter 12 Part 2 - Geological Distribution - Origin Of Species, by DarwinChapter 13 - Geological Distribution Continued - Origin Of Species, by DarwinChapter 14 Part 1 - Mutual Affinities of Organic Beings - Origin Of SpeciesChapter 14 Part 2 - Mutual Affinities of Organic Beings - Origin Of SpeciesChapter 15 Part 1 - Recapitulation and Conclusion - Origin Of Species, by DarwinChapter 15 Part 2 - Recapitulation and Conclusion - Origin Of Species, by Darwin
