





第四章 其它 19 (sound like you're talking?)第四章 其它 18 (1—2—2.9)第四章 其它 17 (Welcome to the club)第四章 其它 16 (Houston, we have a problem)第四章 其它 15 (I'm 29)第四章 其它 14 (I'm not stupid)第四章 其它 13 (I'm a laundry virgin)第四章 其它 12 (20years ago Mary was born)第四章 其它 11 (very Trump)第四章 其它 10 (promise not to do it again)第四章 其它 9 (She is a lady)第四章 其它 8 (It's an idea)第四章 其它 7 (celebrate)第四章 其它 6(He's been drinking?)第四章 其它 5 (I don't even have a "pl")第四章 其它 4 (He was on a debate team)第四章 其它 3 (I thought you were vegetarian)第四章 其它 2 (less awkward)第四章 其它 1 (Wow! Your lips went bald!)第三章 转移话题 12 (I wasn't thinking about me)第三章 转移话题 11 (I am hungry)第三章 转移话题 10 (It is the exact opposite )第三章 转移话题 9 (Thank you, I grow it myself)第三章 转移话题 8 (Thank you!)第三章 转移话题 7 (who are you?)第三章 转移话题 6 (well now you have two!)第三章 转移话题 5 (from the text book)第三章 转移话题 4 (That's a good question!)第三章 转移话题 3 (Because of …the reason?)第三章 转移话题 2 (Am I in the right room?)第三章 转移话题 1 (To be continued)第二章 语带双关 10 (Sugar daddy)第二章 语带双关 9 (Dear John letter)第二章 语带双关 8 (John Doe)第二章 语带双关7You want to have a baby for him第二章 语带双关 6 (I am from Missouri!)第二章 语带双关 5 (Remember to give me a ring!)第二章 语带双关 4 (have a cup of joy!)第二章 语带双关 3 (can't)第二章 语带双关 2 (miss)第二章 语带双关 1 (Order!)第一章 夸大其词 20 (I'm not a millionaire)第一章 夸大其词 19 (He was white)第一章 夸大其词 18 (Is she pregnant?)第一章 夸大其词 17 (Bond, James Bond!)第一章 夸大其词 16 (sb./sth. will kill me)第一章 夸大其词 15(Easy, tiger!)第一章 夸大其词 14 (Are we in the zoo?)第一章 夸大其词 13 (They share the coffee mug)第一章 夸大其词 12 (I'll survive)第一章 夸大其词 11 (He is soooooo unreasonable)第一章 夸大其词 10 (Have I come deaf?)第一章 夸大其词 9(Handle is my middle name)第一章 夸大其词 8 (Eat like a bird)第一章 夸大其词 7 (If I told you,…)第一章 夸大其词 6 (want to see who's taller?)第一章 夸大其词 5 (You are breaking up with me)第一章 夸大其词 4 (Is it loaded?)前言(1)She is not beautiful!前言(2)Please speak English!第一章 夸大其词 3 (Happy birthday, grandma!)第一章 夸大其词 2(My eyes!)第一章 夸大其词 1(I will have you arrested)
