





test读书有益赵州桥荷花背诵0119燕子Who am i黑衣老佛爷 2023-01-12 20:58Day 2Jan 8 piano古诗三首采莲曲读不完的大书M4unit1几何小实践大自然的声音文章朗读L79美丽的小兴安岭古诗三首在牛肚子里旅行卖火柴的小女孩那一定很好那一定会很好卖火柴的小女孩铺着金色巴掌的水泥道卖火柴的小女孩L75听听,秋的人声音P54 课文英语听力秋天的雨L1-L2 默写L73大青树下的小学open minded18,太空生活趣事多17 钥匙你再野外迷了路P49L69P49L69L66-67 重点L68-69学习重点我是Emi LiMia贝壳L57+L59贝壳贝壳张MiaMia玫瑰树根多音字练习过新年Piano 311一批出色的马千人糕Suzuki1 0307雷锋叔叔,你在哪里邓小平爷爷植树L63-goodL63春天来了L53黄山奇石四季歌云海儿1TJP0913LTR0910LTR0907糖0906LTR0906LTR0902LTR0831LTR0829LTR0826LTR0824LTR0823ltr0820LTR0817P88LTR0815LTR0814There’s a goatLTR0812LTR0810LTR0809L47+49LTR0807犀牛和朋友真正的鸭子Reading 0806LTR0805P83ltr0804LTR0803P83LTR0801LTR0801LTR0730L43雪熊原来我真不是鱼LTR0726LTR0725LTR0724骄傲的小野猪做好事的小红ltr0723LTR0723L41L39LTR0720P12LTR0718山寨的早晨ltr0717LTR 0716LTR0713LTR0711When i get sickLTR0711我们的家3我的家园2我们的家1LTR0709LTR0707LTR0708行路难2行路难LTR0704黑衣老佛爷 2021年7月2日 下午12:29LTR0703LTR0702游山西村ltr0629lte0628LTR0626LTR0626LTR0623LTR0622ltr0621钱塘湖春行2钱塘湖春行 1ltr0620LTR0619LTR0617qq我小仙女♀️!次北固山下次北固山下1LTR0615LTR0613ltr0612S12LTR0611LTR0610L37白皮书P72送友人0609送友人2送友人LTR0607LTR0605LTRA0604SBS0602when i get sickS11 0602山居秋暝LTR0601LTD 0529LTR0528LTR0525观猎3的倍数ltr0523LTR0522songMay 21 mia16LTR0519LTR0518终南别业0516LTR0516LTR0514LTR0513终南别业LTR0513LTR0511LTR 0510LTR0507LTR0506LTR 0505LTR0503LTR0502LTR0501过故人庄LTR0428ltr0427LTR0425早寒有怀LTR 0422LTR421LTR0421LTR0417LTR0416LTR0416LTR0415LTR0412LTR0411LTR0410ltr0409LTR 0407服务星LTR0405LTR 0404LTR 0402LTR0401S7 0330LTR0330LTR0329LTR0327LTR0326LTR0325LTR0321LTR0321LTR0320S4 0320黑衣老佛爷 2021年3月18日 上午7:51LTR0317ltr 0315LTR0315LTR 0311LTR 0310sbs p64 0309Sbs P64 0308LTR 0307LTR0306S2 0303LTR0303L25 0301S2 0302LTR0301LTR 0228LTR 02261LTR 0226LTR 0224SBS P67 0223L23 0223S1 0223LTR 0221LTR 0221一年级上单词LTR0221LTR 0216L23 0209SBS P63 0209S1 0209LTR 0208LTR 0207LTR 0206LTR0205S2 0204L21 0204LTR 0204S7-12 0203L21 0203LTR0203S7-12 0202L21 0202S7-12 0201L21 0201LTR 0131LTR0130LTD 0129S1-6 0127L19 0127LTR 0127卡农钢琴曲S1-6 0126L19 0126S1-6 0125L19 0125LTR 0125LTR 0124Ltr 0122SBS p57LTR0121P57 0120S12 0120L170120pear 0121S12 0119L17 0119不定冠词S12 0118L17 0118P56 SBSW17D3 mapW17D3 kingW17D2 creekW17D2 songW17D2 kingW17D2 mapW17D1 mapW17D1 treasureW17D1 creekW17D1 emperorS11 0106L15 0106S11 0105L15 0105S11 0104L15 0104W16D5 emperorW16D5 mapW16D5 songW16D5 hawkP54 1231S10 1231L13 1231W16D4 mapW16D4 emperorW16D4 songW16D4 hawksP54 1230S10 1230L13 1230W16D3 emperorW16D3 mapW16D3 songW16D3 hawk小蜗牛W16D2 mapW16D2 emperorW16D2 songW16D2 hawkS10 1228L13 1228W16D1 mapW16D1 emperorW16D1 songW16D1 hawkW15D5 nell‘s bookW15D5 deerW15D5 songW15D5 lambW15D4 nell bookW15D4 deerW15D4 songW15D4 lambsbs 1223S9 1223L11 1223W15D3 nellW15D3 red noseW15D3 songW15D3 lambS9 1222L11 1222W15D2 nellW15D2 reindeerW15D2 songW15D2 lamb53 1221S9 1221L11 1221W15D1 neilW15D1 rudolphW15D1 songW15D1 lambW14D4 auntW14D4 oinkW14D4 thumpW14D4 ducklingW14D4 songsbs50 1216S8 1216L9 1216W14D3 thumpW14D3 ducklingW14D3 songW14D3 auntW14D3 oink1216S8 1215L9 1215W14D2 ducklingW14D2 thumpW14D2 songW14D2 auntW14D2 oinkS9 1214L9 1214W14D1 thumpW14D1 ducklingW14D1 songW14D1 auntW14D1 oink oinkW13D5 at a pondW13D5 ducklingW13D5 songW13D5 ous fulW13D4 at a pondW13D4 ducklingW13D4 songW13D4 ous fulW13D3 at a pondW13D3 ducklingW13D3 songW13D3 ous fulsbs p50 1209S7 1209L7 1209W13D2 pondW13D2 ducklingW13D2 songW13D2 ous fulS8 1208p50 1208L7 1208W13D1 at a pondW13D1 ducklingW13D1 songW13D1 ous fulW12D4 songW12D4 ducklingW12D4 spotsW12D4 phonicsW12D3 ducklingW12D3 spotW12D3 songW12D3 phonicssbs P49 12/2W12D2 phonicsW12D2 spotW12D2 ducklingW12D2 song49 12/1W12D1 spotsW12D1 ducklingW12D1 songW12D1 phonicsS6 1130L5 1130sbs 49 1130人称代词专练语句测试-mia zhang词汇测试-mia zhangW11D4 mud hutW11D4 ducklingW11D4 songW11D4 rh stmy favorite photographsW11D3 ducklingW11D3 pigsW11D3 songW11D3 rh stW11D2 pig,mudW11D2 ducklingW11D2 songW11D2 rh stcome to my partyW11D1 pig and mudW11D1 ducklingW11D1 songW11D1 rh stW10D5 cubs in a hutW10D5 songW10D5 kb wr mb e一寸光阴W10D3 cubs in a hut 复述W10D4 songW10D4 kw wr mb eW10D3 cub’s in a hutW10D3 songW10D3 kn wr mb eW10D2 cubs in a hutW10D2 songW10D2 kn wr mb ewith my handsW10D1 cubs in a hutW10D1 songW10D1 kn wr mb e否定句/一般疑问句改写be动词专练W9D5 furefighterW9D5 a red hatW9D5 cinderellaW9D5 oW9D4 firefighterW9D4 a red hatW9D4 cinderellaW9D4 songW9D4 ojackW9D3 a red hatW9D3 firefighterW9D3 cinderellaW9D3 songW9D3 owhen i went shoppingW9D2 firefighterW9D2 a red hatW9D2 cinderellaW9D2 songW9D2 oW9D1 firefighterW9D1 red hatW9D1 cinderellaW9D1 songW9D1 oW8D5 good jobW8D5 cinderellaW8D5 songW8D5 aeiouW8D4 good jobW8D4 cinderW8D3 cinderellaW8D4 songW8D4 aeioudear mother 1104W8D3 cinderellaW8D3 good jobW8D3 songW8D3 aeiouW8D2 good jobW8D2 cinderellaW8D2 songW8D2 aeiouW8D1 good job benW8D1 cinderellaW8D1 songW8D1 aeiou礼仪星黑衣老佛爷 2020年11月2日 下午5:30W7D5 cinderellaW7D5 move itW7D5 o u儿歌复习1030W7D4 move itW7D4 cinderellaW7D4 o uW7D3 cinderellaW7D3 move itW7D3 o uW7D2 move itW7D2 cinderellaW7D2 o u拼音默写1027dear mothe-2dear mother 1025W7D1 move itW7D1 cinderellaW7D1 ouW6D5 songW6D5 move and grinsW6D5 cinderellaW6D5 aei拼拼读读2语文儿歌复习1023W6D4 cinderellaW6D4 move and grinW6D4 songW6D4 aeiW6D3 move and grinsW6D3 cinderellaW6D3 songW6D3 aeiW6D2 move and grinW6D2 songW6D2 cinderellaW6D2 aeiW6D1 songW6D1 cinderellaW6D1 move and grinW6D1 aeiW5D5 songW5D5 friendsW5D6 timmy’s letterW5D5 ear eerW5D4 friendsW5D4 timmy letterW5D4 eer earW5D4 songW5D3 songW5D3 friendsW5D3 timmy’s letterW5D3 eer earW5D2 songW5D2 friendsW5D2 eer ear timmy letterW5D1 songW5D1 friendsW5D1 timmy letterW5D1 eer ear儿歌1009the moon儿歌1007W4D5 mouseW4D5 moon儿歌0930W4D4 mouseW4D4 moonW4D3 mouseW4D3 moon儿歌0928W4D2 mouseW4D2 moonW4D1 mouseW4D1 the moonW3D5 kick toss hopW3D5 mouseW3D5 songW3D5 air ear ea are儿歌0924W3D4 toss kick hopW3D4 mouseW3D4 songW3D4 air earW3D3 kick toss hopW3D3 mouseW3D3 down by the bayW3D3 are air ea earW3D2 songW3D2 are air ea儿歌0922W3D2 toss kick hopW3D2 mouse儿歌0921W3D1 toss kick hopW3D1 mouseW3D1 down by the bayW3D1 are air ea ear ar儿歌0920儿歌0919儿歌0918W2D5 flipW2D5 petsW2D5 mouseW2D5 songW2D5 or oarW2D4 mouseW2D4 petsW2D4 flipW2D4 songW2D4 or oar儿歌0916W2D3 petsW2D3 flipW2D3 mouseW2D3 songW2D3 or oar儿歌0915a busy dayW2D2 petsW2D2 flipW2D2 mouseW2D2 songW2D2 or oarW2D2 oar orW2D1 what pets needW2D1 flipW2D1 mouseW2D1 songW2D1 or oar儿歌0914W1D5 a pig for cliffW1D5 mouseW1D5 au aw all waW1D5 song儿歌0911W1D4 a pig for cliffW1D4 mouseW1D4 songW1D4 au aw all wa儿歌0910SBS ARE U BUSYW1D3 a pig for cliffW1D3 mouseW1D3 songW1D3 aw au al wa儿歌9/9W1D2 a pig for cliffW1D2 mouseW1D2 songW1D2 aw au al wa飞飞跳跳过山车数字歌W1D1 a pig for cliffW1D1 songW1D1 country mouseW1D1 au aw all wawhat’s everybody doing唐诗5首 0722唐诗5首 0716古诗5首 0715唐诗5首 713W4D5 rules songW4D5 i live hereW4D5 go pipW4D5 the gingerbread manW4D5 oo uW4D4 i live hereW4D4 GO pipW4D4 the gingerbread manW4D4 oo uW4D3 i live hereW4D3 go pipW4D3 the gingerbread manW4D3 oo uW4D2 rules songW4D2 i live hereW4D2 go pipW4D2 the gingerbread manW4D2 oo uW4D1 rules songW4D1 i live hereW4D1 go pipW4D1 the gingerbread manW4D1 oo uW3D7 songsW3D7 phonics unit 1-2W3D7 the gingerbread man 1-30W3D6 rules songW3D6 the gingerbread manW3D6 ou ow oi oyW3D5 rules songW3D5 six kidsW3D5 the gingerbread manW3D5 ou ow oy oiW3D4 rules songW3D4 six kidsW3D4 the gingerbread manW3D4 ou ow oi oyW3D3 song rulesW3D3 six kidsW3D3 gingerbread manW3D3 ow ou oi oyW3D2 rules songW3D2 rules at schoolW3D2 six kidsW3D2 GINGERBREAD MANW3D2 ou ow oi oyW3D1 six kidsW3D1 rules songW3D1 gingerbread manW3D1 ou owW2D3 songW2D3 rulesW2D3 nat and samW2D3 gingerbread manW2D3 er orthe raceW2D2 songW2D2 rulesW2D2 nat and samW2D2 gingerbread manW2D2 er orW2D1 nat and samW2D1 songW2D1 rules at schoolW2D1 gingerbread manW2D1 er orW1D6 JACK CANW1D6 songW1D6 gongerbread manW1D6 ar ir urTHE RACEW1D5 Jack canW1D5 songW1D5 gingerbread manW1D5 ar ir urW1D4 Jack canW1D4 songW1D4 gingerbread manW1D4 ar ir urWhat’s your nameW1D3 Jack canW1D3 songW1D3 the gingerbread manW1D3 ar ir urW1D2 jack canW1D2 songW1D2 gingerbread manW1D2 ar ir ur大脚丫跳芭蕾昕姐讲故事~犟龟song-W1D1gingerbread man_W1D1W1D1 ar ir urDESERTwhat‘s your name犟龟昕姐讲故事<阿米爱妈妈>打碎一个杯阿米爱妈妈昕姐讲故事-鳄鱼怕怕牙医怕怕昕姐讲故事-嘟嘟的宠物word0605words_12个words 0604嘟嘟的宠物小鞋子山米的小毯子小鞋子山米的小毯子我就是我三个咕噜噜unit2unit3unit4unit5unit6unit7unit8unit9unit10unit11unit12四小天鹅钢琴曲拜厄第77条来一点籽儿吐吐unit13unit14unit15爱笑的鲨鱼unit16unit17unit18unit 19unit 20unit 21小花猫的漫长一夜兔子的胡萝卜unit 22unit 23unit24unit 25unit 26糊涂的小猪第一次上街买东西unit 28unit 29unit 30unit 27~28where a robin liveswatch out ,rabbitunit 27—28a pet of his ownnever say neverunit 23-24the woman and the beara party listSun and Wind & Time for schoolWho Likes BreadThe Right Kind of Shoesunit 19—20time for schoolsun and wind两只小兔兔子的胡萝卜unit17—18fine workthe ver big boxunit 15 -16new in townwater春夜喜雨ask and answerthe song goes like thisout the doorwhich do you like mostunit 11-12ask and answerthe song goes like this爱笑的鲨鱼a different dayfire in the nighta watch comes offunit 7-8a different dayWhat is a robinunit 5-6write a letterthose apple不用陪小花猫的漫长一夜雨天使我有友情要出租unit 3-4a place for a dogpig has a wishu1+u2a new gamethe very best cakeFirst next lastlook for my book耍赖的小猫咪大猩猩a good monthone week awayover the walla man and his windowwhat time is itthe game小雨滴雨天使my roomon the floor望天门山古诗三首地球妈妈树真好some fishday after daycan a pig flyit ran in herea bird in a nestRing the bell地球妈妈树真好故事《小猪飞上天》hello ptetty birdwhat they sawW4D6 thumnelinaW4D6 country mouseW4D5 thumbelinaW4D5 mouseA letter for meI eat cakeW4D4 thumbelinaW4D4 mouse昕姐讲故事《小熊的咕嘟粥》At the farm儿歌 搭小屋故事 小猪飞上天W4D3 thumberlinaW4D3 mouse赠汪伦野兔瑞比W4D2 thumbelinaW4D2 country mouse古诗Help Mea little babyW4D1 thumbelinaW4D1 the lionW3D7 the lionW3D6 thumbelinaW3D6 the lion古朗月行W3D5 thumnelinaW3D5 lion古郎月行W3D3 thumbelinaW3D4 the hare我是小主持人W3D2 thumbelinaW3D3 the hare野兔瑞比我是MiaW3D1 thumbelinaW3D2 hare古诗小熊的咕嘟粥奇奇和陶陶幸好只是一个梦W3D1 the hareunit 3—4斑马单词古诗4首W2D6 thumbelinaW2D6 safari parkW2D5 thumbelinaW2D5 safrai park咕嘟粥mowgli+saphrai park wordsW2D4 thumbelinaW2D4 safari parkW2D3 thumbelinaW2D3 Safari park古诗送元二使安西W2D2 thumbelinaW2D2 safari parkW2D1 thumbelinaW2D1 safari park月亮的味道W1D7 thumbelinaW1D7 mowgliW1D6 thumbelinaW1D6 MowgliW1D5 thumbelinaW1D5 mowgli 跟读贪吃的弟弟
