emma 艾玛 英文版

emma 艾玛 英文版



read by juliet stevenson


1-01 Volume 1 Chapter 1 Emma Woodhou1-02 How Was She To Bear The Change_1-03 Kr Knightley, A Sensible Man Of1-04 Emma Turned Away Her Head...1-05 Chapter 2 Mr Weston Was A Nativ1-06 He Had Only Himself To Please I1-07 Chapter 3 Mr Woodhouse Was Fond1-08 Mrs Goddard Was The Mistress Of1-09 She Was So Busy In Admiring Tho1-10 Chapter 4 Harriet Smith's Intim1-11 With This Inspiring Notion, Her1-12 'Only Four-And-Twenty. That Is1-13 They Met Mr Martin The Very Nex1-14 'i Wonder He Did Not Remember T1-15 Chapter 5 'i Do Not Know What Y1-16 'Yes,' Said He, Smiling.1-17 'Very Well_ I Will Not Plague Y2-01 Chapter 6. Emma Could Not Feel2-02 Harriet Was Soon Back Again...2-03 Mr Elton Seemed Very Properly S2-04 'You've Made Her Too Tall, Emma2-05 Chapter 7. The Very Day Of Mr E2-06 'Oh No, No! The Letter Had Much2-07 'Miss Woodhouse, As You Will No2-08 Emma Assured Her There Would Be2-09 Chapter 8. Harriet Slept At Har2-10 'Indeed! How So_ Of What Sort_'2-11 'You Saw Her Answer! You Wrote2-12 It Was Most Convenient To Emma2-13 Emma Made No Answer And Tried T2-14 He Had Frightened Her A Little2-15 Chapter 9. Mr Knightly Might Qu2-16 The Very Next Day However Produ2-17 'Mermaids And Sharks! Nonsense!2-18 'When Miss Smiths And Mr Eltons2-19 Harriet Was Too Intent On The L3-01 Mr Woodhouse Came In, And Very3-02 This Was Too True For Contradic3-03 Chapter 10 Though Now The Middl3-04 'That Is As Formidable An Image3-05 They Were Now Approaching The C3-06 Mr Elton Was Still Talking, Sti3-07 Chapter 11 Mr Elton Must Now Be3-08 Mr John Knightly Was A Tall, Ge3-09 'Just As It Should Be,' Said Mr3-10 Chapter 12 Mr Knightly Was To D3-11 The Evening Was Quiet And Conve3-12 'Oh! The Good Bateses - I Am Qu3-13 And She Talked In This Way So L3-14 After An Interval Of Some Minut3-15 Chapter 13 There Could Hardly B3-16 Emma, Who Was Not Really Fright3-17 After A Few Minutes Of Entire S3-18 Emma Did Not Find Herself Equal4-01 Chapter 14_ Some Change Of Coun4-02 Now, It Happened That In Spite4-03 Emma Liked The Subject So Well.4-04 Chapter 15_ Mr Woodhouse Was So4-05 Sha Had Not Time To Know How Mr4-06 The Carriages Came...4-07 As She Thought Less Of His Ineb4-08 'Never Madam,' Cried He, Affron4-09 Chapter 16_ The Hair Was Curled4-10 But That He Should Talk Of Enco4-11 Emma Got Up On The Morrow More4-12 Chapter 17_ Mr & Mrs John Knigh4-13 The Confession Complete Renewed4-14 Chapter 18_ Mr Frank Churchill4-15 'It Is Very Unfair To Judge Of4-16 'We Shall Never Agree About Him4-17 Volume 2 Chapter 1_ Emma And Ha4-18 This She Had Been Prepared For5-01 All This Spoken Extremely Fast.5-02 At This Moment, An Ingenious An5-03 Chapter 2_ Jane Fairfax Was An5-04 The Affection Of The Whole Fami5-05 It Was A Dislike So Little Just5-06 These Were Charming Feelings, B5-07 Chapter 3_ Emma Could Not Forgi5-08 Mt Knightly Looked As If He Wer5-09 'Mr Elton Going To Be Married!'5-10 Emma, Alone With Her Father, Ha5-11 Very Sincerely Did Emma Wish To5-12 Chapter 4_ Human Nature Is So W5-13 The Pain Of His Continued Resid5-14 Had It Been Allowable Entertain5-15 Chapter 5_ Small Heart Had Harr5-16 It Was A Good Scheme_ But On Dr5-17 The Morning Of The Interesting5-18 He Got As Near As He Could To T6-01 'You Are Acquainted With Miss J6-02 Chapter 6_ The Next Morning Bro6-03 At Last He Was Persuaded To Mov6-04 'May I Indeed_ Then I Will Spea6-05 'There Appeared To Be Such A Pe6-06 Chapter 7_ Emma's Very Good Opi6-07 Although In One Instance The Be6-08 It Was The Arrival Of This Very6-09 'But You Would Not Wish Me To C6-10 Chapter 8_ Frank Churchill Came6-11 Emma Had As Much Reason To Be S6-12 Miss Woodhouse Made The Proper6-13 The Conversation Was Here Inter6-14 They Were Soon Joined By Some O6-15 Before He Could Return To His C6-16 'But Mr Knightley Does Not Want6-17 They Combated The Point Some Ti6-18 Presently Mr Knightley Looked B6-19 Chapter 9_ Emma Did Not Repeat7-01 She Looked Down The Randalls Ro7-02 Voices Approached The Shop...7-03 'i Declare I Cannot Recollect W7-04 Chapter 10_ The Appearance Of T7-05 He Was Very Warmly Thanked By B7-06 The Listeners Were Amused...7-07 Chapter 11_ It May Be Possible7-08 Mrs Weston Was Sorry For Such A7-09 She Was Obliged To Repeat And E7-10 Emma Was Most Happy To Be Calle7-11 Here Mr Weston Joined Them...7-12 Chapter 12_ One Thing Only Was7-13 Emma Was Ready For Her Visitor7-14 He Was Silent. She Believed He7-15 Chapter 13_ Emma Continued To E7-16 When His Letter To Mrs Weston A7-17 Poor Harriet Was In A Flutter O7-18 Chapter 14_ Mrs Elton Was First8-01 When The Visit Was Returned, Em8-02 Emma Was Silenced.8-03 She Restrained Herself, However8-04 'We Cannot Suppose,' Emma Said8-05 Happily It Was Now Time To Be G8-06 Chapter 15_ Emma Was Not Requir8-07 'i Cannot Think There Is Any Da8-08 She Looked On With Some Amuseme8-09 'i Know How Highly You Think Of8-10 Chapter 16_ Everybody In And Ab8-11 Every Invitation Was Successful8-12 It Was Kindly Said, And Very Fa8-13 Jane Looked As If She Did Not M8-14 Chapter 17_ When The Ladies Ret8-15 'i Did Not Mean, I Was Not Thin8-16 The Whole Party Were But Just R8-17 Chapter 18_ 'i Hope I Shall Soo8-18 Mrs Elton Began To Think She Ha9-01 'When Frank Left Us,' He Contin9-02 Mr Weston Was Musing.9-03 After Tea, Mr And Mrs Weston An9-04 Volume 3 Chapter 1_ A Very Litt9-05 It Soon Appeared That London Wa9-06 Chapter 2_ No Misfortune Occure9-07 Mrs Elton Was Spoken Of.9-08 Miss Bates And Miss Fairfax, Es9-09 Frank Churchill Returned To His9-10 The Ball Proceeded Pleasantly.9-11 His Dancing Proved To Be Just W9-12 Emma Had No Opportunity Of Spea9-13 Chapter 3_ This Little Explanat9-14 This Was The Amount Of The Whol9-15 Chapter 4_ A Very Few Days Had9-16 'My Dearest Harriet!' Cried Emm9-17 She Had Soon Afterwards Reason9-18 Chapter 5_ In This State Of Sch9-19 Emma Was Out Of Hearing.10-01 The Quietness Of The Game...10-02 He Remained At Hartfield After10-03 Chapter 6_ After Long Being Fe10-04 It Was Now The Middle Of June.10-05 'Oh, You Are An Odd Creature!'10-06 Under A Bright Midday Sun, At10-07 It Was Hot_ And After Walking10-08 The Cold Repast Was Over...10-09 Jane Had Not Been Gone A Quart10-10 Chapter 10_ They Had A Very Fi10-11 Some Laughed And Answered Good10-12 'Oh! For Myself, I Protest I M10-13 They Walked Off, Followed In H10-14 Chapter 8_ The Wretchedness Of10-15 'I'm Afraid Jane Is Not Very W10-16 There Was No Bearing Such An '10-17 'Ah! Madam,' Cried Emma...11-01 Chapter 9_ Emma's Pensive Medi11-02 In The Hope Of Diverting Her F11-03 Harriet Behaved Extremely Well11-04 Emma Felt That Her Own Note Ha11-05 Chapter 10_ One Morning, About11-06 Mrs Weston Was Looking So Ill.11-07 Mrs Weston Kissed Her With Tea11-08 'i Am To Hear From Him Soon,'11-09 At This Moment Mr Weston Appea11-10 Chapter 11_ 'Harriet! Poor Har11-11 In Spite Of Her Vexation, She11-12 Harriet, Who Was Standing At S11-13 Emma's Eyes Were Instantly Wit11-14 Harriet Had Been Conscious Of11-15 The Rest Of The Day, The Follo11-16 Chapter 12_ Till Now That She11-17 This Point Was Just Arranged,11-18 'Poor Girl!' Said Emma Again.12-01 The Evening Of This Day Was Ve12-02 Chapter 13_ The Weather Contin12-03 For A Moment Or Two Nothing Wa12-04 She Had Hoped For An Answer He12-05 Emma Could Not Bear To Give Hi12-06 While He Spoke, Emma's Mind Wa12-07 He Had, In Fact, Been Wholly U12-08 Chapter 14_ What Totally Diffe12-09 She Rose Early And Wrote Her L12-10 See Me, Then, Under These Circ12-11 Let Me Hear From You Without D12-12 I Shall Always Congratulate My12-13 Chapter 15_ This Letter Must M12-14 After This He Made Some Progre12-15 The Subject Followed...13-01 Chapter 16_ It Was A Very Grea13-02 She Went - She Had Driven Once13-03 Soon After This Miss Bates Cam13-04 Mr Elton Made His Appearance.13-05 She Was Pleased, On Taking Lea13-06 Chapter 17_ Mrs Weston's Frien13-07 Emma Grieved That She Could No13-08 The Time Was Coming When The N13-09 Mrs Weston Was Acting No Part,13-10 Chapter 18_ Time Passed On.13-11 'It Is A Very Simple Story.'13-12 The Contrast Between The Count13-13 High In The Rank Of Her Most S13-14 Emma Was Delighted, And Only W13-15 Chapter 19_ If Emma Had Still,13-16 Before The End Of September, E
