




Way to go.好样的(记得to要弱读哦It can talk他会交谈It can clean他会做清洁talk交谈 clean清洁It can roll.他会翻滚哦roll翻滚 spin快速旋转We eat it up我们吃光了(注意连读哦We mix the fruits./We make the saladmix混合 make制作We wash the fruits/We cut the fruitswash洗 cut切Never give up.从不放弃Can I take the~?我能带上~吗schoolbag书包 candies糖果Can I take the toys?我可以带上玩具吗?snacks零食 toys玩具This is apples and oranges.这是两码事I got a new toothbrush.我有一支新牙刷toothbrush牙刷 toothpaste牙膏I got a new towel.我有一条新的毛巾comb梳子 towel毛巾What time is it?几点了?The knife is on the table刀子在桌子上The chopsticks are on the table筷子在桌子上table桌子 chopsticks筷子fork叉子 knife刀子You're getting better and better.你越来越棒啦The cookies are in the oven.饼干在烤箱里oven烤箱 pot锅The milk is in the fridge.牛奶在冰箱里cupboard橱柜 fridge冰箱Happy Labor's Day五一节I'd like to be a doctor.我想成为一名医生policeman警察doctor医生I'd like to be a musician.我想要成为一名音乐家teacher老师 musician音乐家Don't forget it别忘记哦Put on your rainboots穿上你的雨靴rainhat 雨帽 rainboots雨靴Put on your raincoat穿上你的雨衣raincoat雨衣 umbrella雨伞keep it up坚持下去give me some nailsspanner扳手 screwdriver螺丝刀drill电钻 nails钉子give me the hammer把锤子给我hammer锤子 saw锯子I want some dumplings/wontonsdumplings饺子 wontons云吞take my hand拉着我的手Do you want a doughnut?doughnut甜甜圈 sausage香肠Where is the mirror?镜子在哪里?mirror镜子 sink洗手台I hit the books我用功读书Where is the shampoo?body wash沐浴露 shampoo洗发水I go by subwaysubway地铁 bike自行车take a break休息一下yes是的 zebra斑马I go by carplane飞机 car小汽车How do you go to the library?library图书馆 cinema电影院I got your back我支持你ox公牛 box箱子How do you go to school?school学校 shopping mall购物广场What do you see?I see a …mosquito蚊子 fly苍蝇Let's get started字母w,watch手表 why为什么I see aladybug七星瓢虫 spider蜘蛛I can play the drum kit/violindrum kit架子鼓 violin小提琴I blank out我想不起来了I can play the piano/guitar我会弹钢琴/吉他van面包车 vest背心piano钢琴 guitar吉他zoo动物园 park公园Here comes the train火车来了train火车 truck卡车Rest assured请放心自然拼读t ten十 table桌子Here comes the bustaxi出租车 bus公车sun太阳☀ sock袜子I like coffee/teacoffee咖啡☕ tea 茶No entry.不让进,禁止进入I like cola我喜欢可乐cola可乐 sprite雪碧I. need a blanketblanket毛毯 curtain窗帘China ,stay strongI. need a pillow 我需要一个枕头sheet 床单 pillow枕头Im having breakfastbreakfast早餐 lunch 午餐dinner晚餐Pigs are lazy 小猪很懒pig猪 bee蜜蜂lazy懒惰的 diligent勤劳的The pig is lazy.小猪懒惰wear a maskStay at homeKeep healthy保持健康firework烟花 couplets对联red packet红包 lantern灯笼firecracker鞭炮 red packet红包Happy Spring Festival新春快乐Spring Festival春节It's foggy/windyfog 雾 wind 风I like basketball/footballfootball足球 basketball篮球Here is a bench/a swingbench 长椅 swing秋千I like flowers/grass. 我喜欢花/草flower花 grass草wear穿 wash洗I go bananas 我生气了my shoes are wet/drywet湿的 dry干的happy new year新年快乐good morning / good afternoonmorning afternoonsix seven eight nine tenone two three four fiveHere is a sofa/picturesofa沙发 picture图画sofa沙发 picture图片bell铃铛 Santa Claus圣诞老人Here is a clock/deskMerry ChristmasMerry Christmasclock deskI have a pencilruler pencilIt's getting coldI have a book/penbook penWhat do you seethis is a starsquare starthis is a circlecircle trianglehave a good timeIt's FridayWednesday ThursdayIt's Monday/TuesdayMonday TuesdayI like Saturday/FridayFriday SaturdayHappy ThanksgivingI'm drinking/eatingdrink eatIt's sunny/rainysunny rainyGood eveningput on your coat/vestvest coatI don't understandlet's jump/walkjump walkkid pig bigput on your dress/T shirtdress Tshirtput on your sockssocks,shoesMay I sit here?一起猜猜bed leg eggI'm happy/sadsad happytrick or treathappy Halloween猜猜cat,bad,map是什么吧It's cold/warmcold,warmI like to swingclimb,swingwhere are youA apple alligatorI can swimI can swim动词run,swimTake it easyoh,my godThat's rightI wanna trycome hereI'm donegood luckhappy birthdayhave a good timelook at thisI did itHold onhold onBe quietI love you,ChinaHow muchIt's my turnwake upWhat are you doingIm homeNever mindNo problemI got itwatch outLet me seeup to youHurry upHurry upI seeSee youExcuse meExcuse meA piece of cakeWash hands firstHappy Mid-Autumn DayAll you can eatHurray,I want toIt's a good ideaLet's eat outI can eat a horseIt's not good to eatIt's deliciousIt's yummyI'm so bored nowIt's excitingIt's scaryIt's scaryI'm tiredI'm sadIt's comfortableI'm angryI'm angryI feel blueI feel blueI feel happycan I help youI'm sorrygood morningyou are welcomecan I watch TV?May I come in?May I have some water?It's deliciousI'm hungryIm full我饱了nice to meet youhow are youMy name is自然拼读wxyz自然拼读stuv自然拼读r自然拼读q自然拼读p自然拼读O自然拼读N自然拼读M自然拼读K自然拼读I自然拼读j自然拼读i自然拼读g自然拼读H自然拼读F自然拼读E自然拼读D自然拼读C自然拼读B自然拼读A英语微课堂
