



吉思特教育Vivi 2019年12月26日 11:10泳衣不见了大大的靴子《The Big Boots 》校园游乐会《The School Fair 》醋瓶里的老婆婆一只汤罐《The Cooking Pot 》豌豆公主《The Princess and the Pea》姜饼娃娃《The Gingerbread Man》哈里的海豹《Harry's Seal 》哈里的大象《 Harry's Elephant 》海怪斯拉格《Slug The Sea Monster 》弗洛拉救伙伴《Flora to the Rescue 》小章鱼Olly海王的魔杖《The Magic Trident 》哈里的蛇《Harry's Snake 》恐怖城堡《Creepy Castle 》荒野森林着火了《Fire in Wild Wood 》一包煤炭《The Bag of Coal 》礼物《Presents 》芒果树《The mango Tree 》谁做的?《Who did it ?》奶奶的惊喜《Grandma 's Surprise 》迪普和沉船《Dipper and the Old Wreck 》遇险的迪普《Dipper in Danger 》狼和小羊《The Wolf and the Kids 》星星湖《The Lake of Stars 》海盗皮特的帽子丢了《Pirate Pete loses His Hat》海盗皮特要减肥《Pirate Pete Keeps Fit》海盗皮特和宝藏岛《Pirate Pete and the Treasure 》海盗皮特和怪物《Pirate Pete and the Monster 》麦克斯和苹果《Max and the Apples 》麦克斯和鼓《Max and the Drum 》想飞的麦克斯《Max Wants to Fly 》麦克斯和猫《Max and the Cat 》泰德熊不见了《Lucy loses Red Ted》被藏起的泰德熊《Sam Hides Red Ted》泰德熊在海边《Red Ted at the Beach》泰德熊去学校《Red Ted Goes to School》城里老鼠和乡下老鼠小蚂蚁和鸽子《The Ant and the Dove》小兔子《Little Rabbit》太阳和风《The Sun and the Wind》跷跷板《The See-saw》弗林斯科想睡觉《Frisky Wants to Sleep》弗林斯科的恶作剧《Frisky Plays a Trick》弗林斯科和小猫《Frisky and the Cat》迈威尔先生变柠檬水《Mr Marvel and the Lemonade》迈威尔先生晾衣服《Mr Marvel and the Washing》迈威尔先生变蛋糕《Mr Marvel and the Cake》迈威尔先生变汽车《Mr Marvel and the Car》自私的小狗《The Selfish Dog》三只山羊《The Three Billy Goats》狼来了《The Boy Who Cried Wolf》龟兔赛跑《The Hare and the Tortoise》弗林斯科和鸭子《Frisky and the Ducks》失踪的外套《The Lost Coat》空空的午餐盒《The Empty Lunch Box》机器人《The Robots》狐狸和兔子《The Fox and the Rabbit》狮子和老鼠《The Lion and the Mouse》拔萝卜《The Enormous Turnip》大个子去公园《Mr Big Goes to the park》宾果想玩耍《Bingo Wants to Play》老妇人和母鸡《The Old Woman and the Hen》做怪物《A Monster for Miss Owen》新来的孩子《The New Children》淘气的仓鼠《The Naughty Hamster》故事书不见了《The Lost Storybook》大个子去度假《Mr Big Goes on Holiday》大个子帮大忙《Mr Big is a Big Help》大大的薄煎饼《TheBig Pancake》大大的薄煎饼《TheBig Pancake》红色小母鸡《The Little Red Hen》大个子办派对宾果和骨头好吃!真好吃!《Yum!Yum!》狐狸和鹳《儿童教学宜采用母语,而非英语》文章解析儿童教学宜采用母语,而非英语大大的惊吓《The Big Surprise》熊和蜂蜜《The Bears and the Honey》英语绘本阅读《Monty at the Party》吉思特教育Vivi 2019年3月14日 14:36亚洲首个同婚“法案”,“同志”们胜利了吗?信用卡还不完,为什么我们还是买买买?文章解析为什么信用卡还不完,你还买买买
