【英文童诗】I'm sick

【英文童诗】I'm sick





The alphabet song

By Hooked on phonics


a b c d (repeat)

e f g (repeat)

everybody sings the alphabet with me.


h i j k (repeat)

l m n (repeat )

you know it sounds so nice,

we're gonna sing it twice

or maybe once again


o p q (repeat )

r s t (repeat )

u v  (repeat )

w x




1. alphabet [ˈælfəbet]字母表



Sick days

Mary ann hoberman


On days when I am sick in bed

My mother is so nice;

She brings me bowls of chicken soup

And ginger ale with ice.


She cuts the crusts off buttered toast

And serves it on a tray

And sits down while I eat it

And doesn't go away.


She reads my favorite books to me;

She lets me take my pick;

And everything is perfect-

Except that I am sick!


1. ginger ale [ˈdʒindʒə eɪl]姜汁无酒精饮料

2. toast [təʊst] n.烤面包

3. crust [krʌst] n.面包皮

4. serve [sɜ:v] v.送上

5. tray[treɪ]n.托盘

6. except [ɪkˈsept]prep.除...之外


Mary Ann hoberman的诗歌读起来朗朗上口,这一首也不例外。不仅如此,她的诗歌描写的情景总是特别贴近孩子的经历。这首诗歌当中的小朋友生病之后,一边享受妈妈的细心体贴的照顾,同时又夹杂着一点点的忧伤的感觉,你是否还记得?


My Job

By John Collis 

I am a young bacterium

And I enjoy my work

I snuggle into people's food

I lie in wait-I lurk.


They smell a bit and chew a bit

And say,'This can't be beaten'

But then in bed they groan and moan,

'I wish I hadn't eaten.'



1. job [dʒɒb] n.工作

2. bacterium [bæk'tɪərɪəm] n.细菌

3. snuggle [ˈsnʌgl]v.依偎

4. lie [laɪ] v.躺着

5. lurk [lɜ:k] v.潜伏

6. chew [tʃu:] v.咀嚼

7. groan[grəʊn]v.呻吟

8. moan [məʊn] v.呻吟着说

