




算命将进酒s第三篇第二篇第一篇再重读重读Sammy重读SammySammy作业造句Sammy造句Just in caseSammyM3M2新M1M2sSammyHOLIDAY SHOPPINGNOTHING TO WEARMR.AND MRS.DICARLOSammySammySammyLATE FOR WORKTHE WILSONS’PARTYGlobal ExchangeSammyS将进酒 李白六月二十七日望湖楼醉书 宋 苏轼浪淘沙 唐 刘禹锡夜宿山寺 唐 李白夜宿山寺 唐 李白惠崇春江晚景 宋 苏轼墨梅 元 王冕己亥杂诗 清 龚自珍滁州西涧 唐 韦应物咏柳 唐 贺知章出塞 唐 王昌龄凉州词 唐 王之涣别董大 唐 高适风 唐江雪 唐 柳宗元忆江南 唐 白居易静夜思早春呈水部水部张十八员外长歌行 汉•乐府江南春 唐,杜牧游园不值 南宋,叶绍翁SammySammySammySammySammySammy夜书所见 宋 叶绍翁增刘景文 宋 苏轼Global Exchange所见,清 袁枚池上 唐 白居易古朗月行 唐 李白使至塞上 唐 王维出塞 唐 王昌龄凉州词 唐 王翰凉州词 唐 王之涣枫桥夜泊 唐 张继九月九日忆山东兄弟清明夏日绝句 李清照江城子•密州出猎 宋 苏轼山行 杜牧江城子·密州出猎(上)宋 苏轼鹿柴 王维马诗 唐 李贺蜂 唐 罗隐秋浦歌 李白渔家傲·秋思 宋 范仲淹渔家傲.秋思(上)宋 范仲淹绝句《春望》杜甫春夜喜雨绝句江畔独步寻花THE FORTUNE TELLERForecastAPPLYING FOR A DRIVER’S LICENSEAPPLYING FOR A DRIVER’S LICENSE逛宠物店THE ACE EMPLOYMENT SERVICESammyA Global Problem其实你很美Hide and Seek with ZogHibernationChanging SeasonsRock ClimbingFirefightersHOLIDAY SHOPPINGFriends in the StarsOut Of an eggThe Three Little PigsI Need A Snow DayNight LightsTime for BedA Walk With MomAll About CoyotesShoes Women WearAt the RodeoTry.Try AgainJosh Gets GlassesA Clown FaceThe Sisters CAt the RodeoSloth Wants to SnoozeA Pet for JupeJosh Gets GlassesStop SnoringRunaway SnowballWe Do YogaI Am Your New PlantHow Do They MoveA Clown FaceHooray for the Farmer’s MarketHow tn Tie Your ShoesHow to Make a Snow PersonJosh Gets GlassesAt the RodeoAll Kinds of Musical InstrumentsAll Kinds of FactoriesShoes Men WearFive Seconds to BlastoffAll Kinds of FactoriesAll Kinds of Musical InstrumentsPlaces Plants and Animals LiveGrandparents DayPolice OfficersAll About CoyotesLunch BoxesWhen I Grow UpThe Four SeasonsWhich TreeSew WhoClothing,Colors,and CulturesStop SnoringWe Do YogaThe StormAva Is a VeganThe Four SeasonsAt the RodeoHow Many TeethJobs We Do at SchoolSay“Cheese”A Week with GrandpaAnimals.AnimalsNot Enough SnowOn the MoonDoctor JenMaddy,Loves to MarchCarlos’s First HalloweenTry.Try AgainFive Seconds to BlastoffWhat Is in the BoxSkateboardsWake Up.BearAll About OrcasNOTHING TO WEARNot Enough SnowPlaces Plants and AnimalsShapes in Tide poolsAll About CoyotesGrandparents DayPolice OfficersAnimals,AnimalsA Walk With MomMaking PizzaIn the MountainsTiny TugboatAva Is a VeganThe Four SeasonsAll Kinds of Wusical InstrumentsIn the SeaA Week With GrandpaStop SnoringA Day of FirstsWhere Animals LiveMake a Tree FriendCity AnimalsWhat Is in the BoxThe VetHow to Make a Snow PersonClassblmwingScaredy CrowFirefightersNeeds and WantsNight AnimalsThank you EveryoneThe Boy Who Cried “Wolf”Caring for EaqthTunnelsI Am a GymnastAMY’S APARTMENT BUlDINGTom ’s Wedding DaySeashellsIn a Chinese GardenA Family TreeMonster Moving DayFollowing the MapAre You OkayA Look at FossilsAre You From IndiaThe Food ChainDouble It!Safe Biking With DadHow to Make a Snow PersonTHE NEW SHOPPING MALLAnimal DadsCity PlacesHugsBear and KangarooCaring for EarthMaking PizzaA day of firstsGetting Ready for schoolTiny TugboatSloth wants to snoozeLunch BoxesThe vetToo much work!The boy who cried“Wolf”Hooray for the farmer’s MarketShoes women wearI work at the stablesDolly’s Drama Queen DayCalming DownTo the woodsRiver ottersThe new shopping mallBest friends Q and UAmazing Places to WorkThe Sky Is FallingAmazing Places to WorkWe Give AwayThe SnowstormA Family TreeSammyCen 2018-03-06 20:17Nothing for Father’s DayThe ContestWorkersOur Good Night StoryPolly Gets OutUnder That RockSwampsWhere Animals LiveWhy Can’t lLittle LoonDollars and CentsTom’s wedding dayJust a TrimFuture FlowersTOM’S WEDDING DAYI Need an EraserThe MittenTiger SharksARTHUR IS VERY ANGRYAll About FoxesLet’s Make a Bird FeederSilent eTo the StoreI Count 100 ThingsMy New SchoolA Day for DadMud BallsWe like to ShareFogRoyal Sludge HotelThe Weather is Terriale Here!A BUSY DAY

