双语绘本故事we love story

双语绘本故事we love story







healthydiary 日记computer and teacher 电脑和老师two feet animal 两条腿的动物a rich man and a horse,一个富人和一匹马my husband is bald!我的丈夫是秃顶Mother is Day 母亲节I think .I'm in the office,我以为我是在办公室My weekends,我的周末a bad workman blaims his tools 一个憋脚工人总是抱My school day,我在学校的一天about my room 房间摆设make a snowman 堆雪人I need a quiet life向往安静It's a big Hippo一只大河马shopping 购物Happy weekend愉快的周末How are your teeth 您的牙齿怎么样?happy family.幸福的一家Old Woman and cat 老人与猫Another dog 另一只狗In the city 欢乐城Can you help me?你能帮助我吗?Speaker.演讲者A busy week. 繁忙的一周Have a big breakfast一顿丰盛的早餐How keep health.如何保持健康A letter.一封信Eating habits 饮食习惯Don't cry.别哭Computer电脑Birthday present. 生日礼物I love Supermarket 我喜欢超级市场Sherry's bedroom.雪莉的卧室My uncle paolo is a farmer 我的保罗叔叔是个农场主Favorite subject 最喜欢的学科Who puts ink my chair谁把墨水弄到我的椅子上?Room 房间Play football 踢足球Movie ticket 电影票The sea 大海The seahorse 海马Cinema tickets 电影票It is Saturday morning 星期六的早晨Supermarket 超级市场Watch TV with a candle on 用蜡烛看电视count stars数星星susan 苏珊A rabbit一只兔子Welcome to our School 欢迎来到我们学校What color do you like? 你喜欢什么颜色呀A clever bird 一只聪明的鸟A clever rat 聪明的老鼠My favorite day.我最开心的一天Christmas day.(圣诞节)Susan(苏珊)Welcome to our school(欢迎来到我们学校)What's that?(那是什么?)Monkeys in the zoo(动物园里的猴子)A Library(图书馆)my grandfather(我的祖父)our school(我們的學校)mike's mother and father(邁克的粑粑麻麻)my favourite toy我最喜欢的玩具two students两个同学marry green迈瑞格林on sports day 运动会my dog 我的狗狗my robot 我的机器人two bags 两个包Cats 猫咪our classroom(我们的教室)new teacher(新老师)Tell me about myself(说说我自己)Bananas for lunch(香蕉午餐)I like Chinese food我喜欢中国食物in the park在公园I can see you(我能看见你)A good way 好办法The day before yasterday 在昨天之前I love my new toy我爱我的新玩具(英文版)I love my new toy我爱我的新玩具(双语版)Today I will fly我今天将会飞起来(英文版)Today I will fly今天我将会飞起来(双语版)The secret birthday message神秘的生日礼物(英文版)the secret birthday massage神秘的生日留言(双语版)I want my hat back我想找回我的帽子(英文)I want my hat back 我想找回我的帽子(双语版)just for you ...只是为了你fun in the snow 下雪了真棒thanksgiving card 感恩节贺卡can l play with you?我能和你一起玩吗?It is my birthday 今天是我的生日my new pet 我的新宠物Mary's Halloween 玛丽的万圣节The Green family goes out 格林一家去旅游Tick~tock goes the clock 钟嘀嗒嘀嗒的响着Toys 玩具picnic time 野餐时间we like the show 我们喜欢这个演出
