The Chronicles of Narnia Complete (Unabridged) by C. S. Lewis

The Chronicles of Narnia Complete (Unabridged) by C. S. Lewis




The Magicians Nephew narrated by Kenneth Branagh
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe narrated by Michael York
The Horse and His Boy narrated by Alex Jennings
Prince Caspian narrated by Lynn Redgrave
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader narrated by Derek Jacobi
The Silver Chair narrated by Jeremy Northam
The Last Battle narrated by Patrick Stewart

The Magician’s Nephew 790L 9~14 

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 940L 9~14 

The Horse and His Boy 970L 9~14 

Prince Caspian 870L 9~14 

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader 970L 9~14 

The Silver Chair 840L 9~14


1-01 Chapter 0_ Intro and Dedication1-02 Chapter 1_ Lucy Looks Into A Wa1-03 Chapter 2_ What Lucy Found Ther1-04 Chapter 3_ Edmund And The Wardr1-05 Chapter 4_ Turkish Delight1-06 Chapter 5_ Back On This Side Of2-01 Chapter 6_ Into The Forest2-02 Chapter 7_ A Day With The Beave2-03 Chapter 8_ What Happened After2-04 Chapter 9_ In the Witch's House3-01 Chapter 10_ The Spell Begins To3-02 Chapter 11_ Aslan is Nearer3-03 Chapter 12_ Peter's First Battl3-04 Chapter 13_ Deep Magic From The4-01 Chapter 14_ The Triumph Of The4-02 Chapter 15_ Deeper Magic From B4-03 Chapter 16_ What Happened About4-04 Chapter 17_ The Hunting Of The1-01 Chapter 1_ The Island1-02 Chapter 1b_ The shore that they1-03 Chapter 2_ The Ancient Treasure1-04 Chapter 2b_ _Great Scott!_ said1-05 Chapter 3_ The Dwarf1-06 Chapter 4_ The Dwarf Tells of P1-07 Chapter 4b_ Caspian followed th1-08 Chapter 5_ Caspian's Adventure2-01 Chapter 5b_ During the long cli2-02 Chapter 6_ The People That Live2-03 Chapter 6b_ Their next visit wa2-04 Chapter 7_ Old Narnia in Danger2-05 Chapter 7b_ It certainly was an2-06 Chapter 8_ How They Left the Is2-07 Chapter 8b_ All five of them ca2-08 Chapter 9_ What Lucy Saw3-01 Chapter 9b_ Cold and Cheerless3-02 Chapter 10_ The Return of the L3-03 Chapter 10b_ She got up...3-04 Chapter 11_ The Lion Roars3-05 Chapter 11b_ _Oh Aslan_, said K3-06 Chapter 12_ Sorcery and Sudden3-07 Chapter 12b_ There was no answe4-01 Chapter 13_ The High King in Co4-02 Chapter 13b_ When they reached4-03 Chapter 14_ How All Were Very B4-04 Chapter 14b_ They reached the r4-05 Chapter 15_ Aslan Makes a Door4-06 Chapter 15b_ _Men of Telmar_, s1-01 Chapter 1_ The Picture in the B1-02 Chapter 2_ On Board the Dawn Tr1-03 Chapter 3_ The Lone Islands2-01 Chapter 4_ What Caspian Did The2-02 Chapter 5_ The Storm and What C2-03 Chapter 6_ The Adventures of Eu3-01 Chapter 7_ How the Adventure En3-02 Chapter 8_ Two Narrow Escapes3-03 Chapter 9_ The Island of the Vo4-01 Chapter 10_ The Magician's Book4-02 Chapter 11_ The Dufflepuds Made4-03 Chapter 12_ The Dark Island4-04 Chapter 13_ The Three Sleepers5-01 Chapter 13b_ The Three Sleepers5-02 Chapter 14_ The Beginning of th5-03 Chapter 15_ The Wonders of the5-04 Chapter 16_ The Very End of the1-01 Chapter 1_ Behind The Gym1-02 Chapter 2_ Jill Is Given A Task1-03 Chapter 3_ The Sailing Of The K2-01 Chapter 4_ A Parliament Of Owls2-02 Chapter 5_ Puddleglum2-03 Chapter 6_ The Wild Wastelands3-01 Chapter 7_ The Hill Of The Stra3-02 Chapter 8_ The House Of Harfang3-03 Chapter 9_ How They Discovered4-01 Chapter 10_ Travels Without The4-02 Chapter 11_ In The Dark Castle4-03 Chapter 12_ The Queen Of Underl4-04 Chapter 13_ Underland Without T5-01 Chapter 13b_ The prince unlocke5-02 Chapter 14_ The Bottom Of The W5-03 Chapter 15_ The Disappearance O5-04 Chapter 16_ The Healing Of Harm1-01 Chapter 1_ How Shasta Set Out O1-02 Chapter 2_ A Wayside Adventure1-03 Chapter 3_ At The Gates Of Tash2-01 Chapter 4_ Shasta Falls In With2-02 Chapter 5_ Prince Corin2-03 Chapter 6_ Shasta Among the Tom2-04 Chapter 7_ Aravis in Tashbaan3-01 Chapter 8_ In the House of the3-02 Chapter 9_ Across the Desert3-03 Chapter 10_ The Hermit of the S3-04 Chapter 11_ The Unwelcome Fello4-01 Chapter 12_ Shasta in Narnia4-02 Chapter 13_ The Fight at Anvard4-03 Chapter 14_ How Bree Became a W4-04 Chapter 15_ Rabadash the RidicuChapter 1 The Wrong DoorChapter 2 Digory and His UncleChapter 3 The Wood Between the WorldsChapter 4 The Bell and the HammerChapter 5 The Deplorable WordChapter 6 The Beginning of Uncle Andrew's TroublesChapter 7 What Happened at the Front DoorChapter 8 The Fight at the Lamp-postChapter 9 The Founding of NarniaChapter 10 The First Joke and Other MattersChapter 11 Digory and His Uncle Are Both in TroubleChapter 12 Strawberry's AdventureChapter 13 An Unexpected MeetingChapter 14 The Planting of the TreeChapter 15 The End of This Story and the Beginning of All the OthersChapter 1 - By Cauldron PoolChapter 2 - The Rashness of the KingChapter 3 - The Ape in Its GloryChapter 4 - What Happened That NightChapter 5 - How Help Came to the KingChapter 6 - A Good Night's WorkChapter 7 - Mainly About DwarvesChapter 8 - What News the Eagle BroughtChapter 9 - The Great Meeting on Stable HillChapter 10 - Who Will Go Into the StableChapter 11 - The Pace QuickensChapter 12 - Through the Stable DoorChapter 13 - How the Dwarves Refused to be Taken inChapter 14 - Night Falls on NarniaChapter 15 - Further Up and Further InChapter 16 - Farewell to Shadowlands
