I'm a Stranger here myself

求解!是i'm a man还是i'm man
2个回答2023-02-14 11:01
是i’m a man
i'm a pink lady啥意思
3个回答2022-09-15 19:35
pink lady 字面意思“红粉佳人”,即“万人迷”。
i'm a iron man 是什么意思
2个回答2023-03-12 17:20
i'm a silly boy_是什么意思
1个回答2023-09-16 05:10
i'm a silly boy_
I'm not a human
1个回答2024-02-26 19:42
Here is a story about a clever dog
1个回答2024-01-25 01:08
开头是i'm a pretty girl,i'm a pretty girl......求歌曲的名字
2个回答2023-10-30 07:12
《big big world》,其实唱的是I'm a big big girl...
Here is a story told about ...
1个回答2024-02-29 14:31
【小题1】D细节常识题:本文第二段说到了Soon after the war the general returned to Washington.说明了是在一战之后,上将才回国。而此题也同时考查了常识,一战结束是在1918年。所以选D。
【小题2】B细节题:由本文第二段the general heard that his teeth were being sold in shops可以得知,上将的牙齿是在一些店铺里卖年出售,所以选B。
【小题3】B细节题:第二段中的He rushed to his office and ordered six officers to go around the city and buy all his teeth可以得出,上将叫他的下属去将他所有的牙齿购买回来。所以答案是B。
【小题4】D计算题:第三段提到了They had collected 175 teeth同样第一段也提到了his teeth were being sold in shops at $5 each说明他们一共购买了175颗牙齿,每一颗5元,一共是875元。答案选D。
我是一个外星人用英语怎么说 是I'm a ET 还是I'm ET
1个回答2023-06-15 11:45
I am an ET.
you, from a stranger be a person who i can't sto
1个回答2024-06-01 20:04
原句应该是 you,from a stranger be a person who I can't stop miss.